November 21, 2008


So, i know that it has been forever since I have blogged. I have had them all typed up and ready to go but just no pictures. So below are two of the big happenings and one of my goals this weekend is to get totally caught up on this blog of mine and then is when I will post pictures of the older posts. We are doing good and cannot wait for Thanksgiving because we get to go to COLORADO!!! We have missed our family up there so much and can't wait to see them. Til later...

November 4, 2008

Halloween Extravaganza

Wow. Halloween was way fun for us this year.
It started with me going all out crazy on the decorations on our house. I loved it and I'm so mad I didn't get a picture of it, but it turned out really cute. Then of course we carved pumpkins like 2 nights before Halloween with our friends, Mike and Mary. We each did our own because we had different ideas of what should go on the front of the pumpkin. It was so much fun. I don't remember if I have ever carved my own pumpkin before. We displayed them nicely for the few days that they survived.

Then on actual Halloween day, I got to dress up for work which was alot of fun. You can tell by the pictures what I was, but our whole office got into it and there was a contest later in the day and there were categories for scariest, funniest, most creative, and best group. It was alot of fun and there were so many cute ideas.

Later that night, I went home and got things cleaned up for a fun Halloween party that I hosted for all our friends in our complex. The party started at 8 and everyone came dressed up so awesome. I was so glad we had such a good turnout. I was really glad I decided to do the party. We just hung out at first and talked and ate gooodies. One of our friends made some homemade rootbeer for our drink and it was amazing. Then we played like 3 games of Mofia and just hung out some more.
The boys started to get bored as the party started to die down and so they went their way and went to play Halo 3, of course, at different houses and us girls just stayed up and talked for a little while. Actually, for like 4 hours. Not everybody left until like 2:30 in the morning. It was so much fun. After the few of us who were still left were done talking, we went to go get our husbands and we didn't get home til 3 oclock because they had to play just one more game. We went home and went to bed and then the next day, I took down all the decorations because my house felt so cluttered with it being up for so long. Hope everyone had such a fun Halloween. Sorry it took so long to get this post up.

Amber's birthday party

Amber Jarvis, our RA and also one of our friends in our apartment complex, turned 23 a couple weeks ago and I am just now getting to this post. I have been slacking way too much. Anyways, her husband threw her a little birthday party that everyone went to. We showed up a little late but the whole thing was alot of fun. We did karaoke pretty much all night long and there was a little dancing too with the electric slide and YMCA song. She also had a really cute cake that she bought at the store. It was cupcakes with different colored frosting put together and then they put plastic eyes and mouth on top to make it look like the face of Elmo. It was so cute. We had alot of fun and here are some pictures from the party.