March 21, 2009

A Wonderful Visit

Dad came through on Thursday and saw us. He had a work meeting in Mesa and decided to come home through Flagstaff so he could see us. He got there and took us out to lunch. It was our choice and I chose to go to Denny's. That restaurant has a history in our family.
When my brothers and I would go to Colorado to see our family there, we would go out to Denny's before we left to go home. It was tradition. So I wanted to go for old time sake. After we ate, he had to leave so he could get to Santa Fe before it got dark. But, before he left, he wanted to see where I worked so we took a drive over there and he met my supervisor and people I work with. It was alot of fun. We loved seeing him and hope to see the rest of our family in a couple weeks.

The Xbox

By a wonderful miracle, Nate was able to get his own Xbox 360. This is the new big thing in our complex for all the guys to do together and he is so excited. Here is the proof. He is so glad he has had Spring Break to play with it.

March 9, 2009

Guess Who

Guess who decided to drop by our house today? Nate's brother Joe. He and his girlfriend and her two girls were in Flagstaff today doing some shopping for fun and decided to stop by and say hi. We had fun playing the Wii and getting to know her girls better.
Thanks for stopping by guys!

March 8, 2009

Funny Story

Decided to have pork roast for dinner today. Got it all put together so it could sit in the crock pot during church. Saw that Nate had turned the dial to high. Went to church and came home and saw this.

It had not been plugged in!
So, we ended up inheriting a new crock pot tonight from some friends after swapping them for some cookware and it has lights so that you know whether it's plugged in or not which will prevent this from ever happening again. (hopefully)

Thanks Jones's!

Next big news and Celebration!

Nate heard back on Friday what his status is for the Resident Assistant job here on campus. He was selected to be an alternate. This means that if any of the family housing RA's quit or move or anything like that, he is on the list to take their job. It wasn't what we were hoping for but I'm sure there is a blessing in disguise somewhere. One of our good friends did get one of the positions so we decided to go out to eat together to celebrate their jobs and my promotion. We decided to really treat ourselves to Outback.

Big news!

I got a promotion at work last week!

It is so awesome. There is a long story behind it and if you want to know, I will tell you but the short point is that my supervisor quit in January to do another job and so they decided to hire someone new to take her spot and so I learned everything I needed to before she left and then I was suppose to train my supervisor because nobody was going to start before she left. So they hired a guy. After working there for about two months, there were alot of issues and we just didn't like him very much, so they let him go last week.

So, instead of hiring someone new to be my supervisor, they saw that I was capable of doing the job and they gave me the position and will hire someone to do the job I was doing. I am so excited. It should be better pay and I will get the raise when my year review comes around in June. I guess these next few months will be my testing period before I get the pay raise. I am still way excited though.