April 19, 2009

Halo 3 party

While I played with these guys...

Everyone else played Halo.
We all enjoyed it and had an awesome night. Thanks Pat and Kim.
Bulleted List

April 16, 2009

Dear Spring,

Please come out now.

I for one am not enjoying the snow in april and the fact that I still have to wear a coat when i go outside.

Please ask the snow and the wind and the cold to go away so you can come out!

Thank you.

(i am such a valley girl)

April 15, 2009

Easter Weekend

Our Easter wasn't too eventful, but it was fun. We went to Show Low to spend the holiday with our family. We were really excited that the Easter Bunny found us at my parents house and left gifts for us! We ended up having two easter dinners, one with our family and then one with our friends family who we havent seen for a while. Our family is really good and we had a good time seeing them. We played games and watched a movie together and I got to help cook dinner. We were going to do an Easter egg hunt on Sunday afternoon but it got too cold. It was a nice Easter and we were glad we went to Show Low.

April 12, 2009

The Triple Date

On friday night, we went down to the valley and decided to throw a date together. Nate's friend Randon came over one night and we decided to set him up on a blind date with my step sister Amanda. He agreed very quickly and thankfully, she wasn't busy. We also invited my best friend from high school Tanessa and her husband Clint to join us since I haven't gotten to hang out with her too much.

So we drove down Friday and got there just in time. We were going to go see the Easter Pageant at the Mesa Temple. I use to go as a kid every year and we decided it would be a good activity. So we all met up there and had alot of fun. To be honest, I talked way more than I watched the show, but I saw a few good parts. It was amazing to see how many people were there.

After it was over, we decided to go get some Coldstone ice cream. yummmmmm. On the way though, we happened to drive by Organ Stop Pizza. It is the coolest place ever. They have pretty good food, but the most important part of his place is the organ that comes up out if the ground and controls all these other instruments that are around the room as well. The guy plays for you while you eat and it is just something that is so cool, you have to see it in person. Nate had never seen it before so we stopped really quick and showed him the organ and then went to Coldstone. We hung out for a while and talked and laughed and it was so much fun. Another surprise was that our old friend Minette was there at the same Coldstone with her husband so we sat and talked with her for a minute then she left so we hung out and told stories and just enjoyed each other. All good things come to an end though. We said our goodbye's and gave lots of hugs and then went home.
Of course, I made us take pictures though.

April 3, 2009

Awesome Event!!

This last Thursday, March 30th, we had the awesome experience to go to an event here at NAU where Grant Imahara from Mythbusters came and spoke. It was put on by the Science department and it was amazing! Just the fact that we got to be in the same room as a guy who was on tv was great. He talked a little bit about Mythbusters and then talked about the work he has done in the science world as an electrical engineer. He has done alot of work with movies, like work on R2D2 and C3PO for Star Wars. He also helped make the Energizer bunny. It was just a neat experience. Of course there was no video recording or flash photography, so here are the best ones I got during his presentation.