May 27, 2009

My social thing

I am playing softball with a bunch of girls from work now. We play every tuesday night and it has been alot of fun. I use to play a little bit when I lived in the valley and at youth softball in the summer. I am loving it and I wish I could play the second session. Here are some shots that Nate got the other night.

May 26, 2009

Nate's new job

Nate decided that he didn't like doing office work like he has been doing for the last year. So this week, he got a new job! He is still working for NAU but he is working with his friend in the Plumbing and gas department. Right now they are just doing some yearly maintenance on all of the furnaces in family housing, but after that, he will just do regular odds and ends stuff. He is really excited and I got to see him in action a litle bit the other day.That's my stud!!

May 18, 2009

Two Amazing Years

Today marks our two year anniversary! We can't believe it. We love being married! I am so happy that Nate and I are married. He is such a wonderful husband and is such a hard worker. I am seriously the luckiest woman ever! He always finds cute ways to tell me he loves me and is really helpful when I am sick and always makes me feel beautiful. I can't wait for the rest of the years to come and the experiences we will have. I love you Nathan! Thank you for everything.

May 9, 2009

D-backs game

So, this event didn't turn out to be quite as fun as we thought, but it was a good date night for us. Nate's friend called him on Friday and told him that he had won some tickets at work for a Diamondbacks game and he wasn't able to use them, so he called Nate to see if we wanted to use them. Of course we wanted to. So I got off work and we jumped in the car and drove to Phoenix, got tickets, got dinner, and we were off to the game. We got there early so we could get good parking and just enjoy the pre game stuff. I was so excited since it has been so long since I have been to a game and enjoyed every minute of it. As the game got started, Nate's allergies kept getting worse and worse and by the end of the 3rd inning, he couldn't take it anymore, so we ended up leaving and heading home. Not the night we planned, but we had fun being together and just getting to go to the field and take pictures was good enough for me.

Tin foil dinner get together

So, since this is the last week of school and some people are getting ready to leave for good, or some are just going somewhere for the summer, this week has been one big get together almost every night. We have had a fun time and are very sad for the people leaving us. The night that started it all was tin foil dinners around a campfire with dutch oven cobbler. Thanks to Derik for making all of the dinners and putting the whole thing together. It turned out so good and we all had a great time. We all came to the conclusion that we need to do a real camping trip this summer as a group. We are now working on getting our own set of camping gear. We had a few other nights of eating dinner this week and just playing around. One night the girls went to see a movie and then later that night the boys went to go see a movie as well. It's been alot of fun and we are so glad to be in Flagstaff among people our own age. the stages of the firehanging out and talkingthe boys throwing a hatchet and shooting a pistol

May 6, 2009

Boys get together

Nate and a bunch of his friends from the group that he hung out with in high school, minus one, were all able to get together this weekend. The only one that couldn't come was away in Florida on an internship. Most of the guys live in Arizona and one just moved back from Oregon and was passing through on his way to Canada. The wives were able to go to this and we had alot of fun. I of course somewhat forced pictures to be taken and we had a BBQ and then one of the guys, Dustin, had one of those inflatable movie screens and so we set it up in his parents back yard and watched a movie while we laid on a love sack. It was so good for Nate and I had fun getting to know his friends. Thanks Dustin.

May 3, 2009

Baby Shower

Yesterday was a baby shower for my stepsister in-law. We went down to the valley and I met up with my mom and we went there together with my little sister. We had a good time seeing everyone, especially my stepsisters and my little nephew that I have never met. So much fun!!

the group
the mom to be
the girls minus Susan and Christina
my nephew

End of the Semester

You know its coming down to the end of the sememster when Nate has 3 to 5 concerts within 2 weeks of each other. It has been crazy, but he has been awesome this whole semester and I am so proud of him for all the things he has done this year. He is a great husband and a hard worker and I don't give him enough credit. Happy summer break Nate!