July 25, 2010

The weekend

This was a very long weekend for us. We decided to go to the valley for a few reasons. Our first reason was to sell our truck. We have only had it for a few months but now that I am staying home, we don't really need that second car anymore because everything that Nate does is on campus. We were happy to sell it and get that off of our hands. Our other big reason was to visit some of our friends and Nate's mom who is now in rehabilitation down there. She was so excited that we stopped by and this time, she was able to leave the room to see Kayton. It has been a few months since she has seen him so it was awesome.
We came home and today we were getting ready for church and Kayton was already dressed, so we just let him roll around on the floor in his room. I went in to check on him and found this.
He rolled himself underneath his crib with his blanket and couldn't get out. So cute.

After church I quickly realized that we don't have two cars anymore, so I had to stay after church with Nate while he counted tithing. Kayton was doing good for a while, but he was tired and wasn't doing good inside anymore, so we went out and played on the grass. He loved it and I may have looked like a dork, but I took some pictures. He was really sweet and had alot of fun.You gotta admit, he is pretty cute

July 22, 2010

This morning, we played

Nate went to work this morning and Kayton woke me up about a half hour after he left. We played on the bed after he woke up. Here is a demonstration of his crawling, rolling and talking skills.This is his way of putting his binkie back in his mouth. He will get it right once in a while.

A little bit of him rolling and getting up on his knees


My 1st week home

As of Friday, July 16th, I am now a stay at home mom! I am no longer working full time and I get to be at home with my baby all the time now! We both decided that it was better for our family this way. The company I was working for was nice enough to let me stay on as a temp of sorts and just take work home when they have it for me. This way Nate is the bread winner right now but I am still helping to bring in a little bit. I am not working any more than 10 hrs a week and if I work when he is asleep then everything works out perfectly. Nate is working the GMM on call job and then he is working during the day for the maintenance department doing blitzes during the school dorms to prepare them for when students come back for school. We are so much happier already and I am already working on things I have always wanted to do.

This week has been so amazing so far. I wanted to do something cool every day and so here are some of the things we have done together. On Monday, it felt like Saturday to me, but we got up and relaxed around the house for a little bit, then Kayton was just too fussy, I could tell he hated being in the apartment all this time, so we went outside and just chilled on the grass. He lasted out there for about 25 minutes, then we came back in and got showered and dressed for the day and headed out to get some lunch. I put Kayton in the stroller and we walked to the Union building to get some lunch. I loved that! Kayton was pretty much ready for a nap too so I was hoping he would fall asleep in the stroller, and he did.Tuesday was just a hangout day, nothing too exciting there. Today, we played around the house and caught up on all the sleep that he missed yesterday then we went disc golfing. I haven't been since before i was even pregnant and I will admit that I had a lot of fun. I always got at least one or two over par, but Kayton did really good in the stroller and I was with Nate.I can't believe how blessed I am that I get to stay home now and take care of things around here. I have a few projects that I want to do and some things I want to learn to do so I can stay busy.

July 20, 2010

Brewer Family Reunion

On Saturday the 17th, we attended the Ivan Brewer Family Reunion. This is Nate's Mom's side of the family. This was Nate's Great Grandfather and all their kids families that attended. At first there wasn't very many people to start off with but by the end of the day, there was a ton of people. We got there and ate breakfast and then played games as more people were coming in. Then, lunch was served and they showed us a bunch of cool pictures and videos that were found over the years. It was fun for me to meet more of Nate's family. We spent the rest of the afternoon at Grandma Brewer's house hanging out with more of the closer relatives which I had the most fun at. Everyone loved Kayton and it was just a blast to be around family again.

July 19, 2010

5 months

Oh my gosh, our baby boy is 5 months old! That's like one month away from 6 months which is like a half of a year. I can't believe how big he is and how cute he is. Here is a summary of things he is doing now.
has really gotten the hang of rolling around
is almost to the point of crawling and sitting up
smiles at everyone
thankfully, hasn't gotten to the stage of clinging to one person
loves to be outside
is most definitely a daddy's boy
loves it when we get him a new toy
just keeps getting bigger

July 12, 2010

I'm going to stay home!!

Today is the first day of my last week of work. I am going to get to be a stay at home mommy! I am so excited and can't wait for this week to finally be over. Yay!

July 11, 2010

4th of July

In spite of all the things that have been happening with my family, we decided to go ahead and go to Show Low for the 4th, and are we really glad that we did. We had a lot of fun with all of our friends and are so excited for the time we will be able to go back and hopefully live there again. We weren't expecting it, but the weekend turned out to be a little more hectic than we bargained for. As we were pulling into town, we got a phone call saying that Nate's mom was in the hospital. Apparently, she had some attacks a day or two before and was in need of some immediate surgery. We went to the hospital right away and learned all the news. She had a asthma attack while she was at a doctor's appointment and so they took her to the hospital right away. While she was there, she had a heart attack of some kind and her lungs were filled up with fluids and so they had to give her an emergency tracheotomy which was to put a tube in her throat so that her lungs could take a break and a machine could breathe for her. It was a really scary situation at first but she did get the surgery she needed and the doctors say that she is recovering the way that they want her to. Last we heard, a few days ago, she was off the tube and breathing again and she is now down in Mesa or Phoenix working on her recovery down there. We are very lucky she is still with us. It made for a hard weekend, but we were glad we were able to be there instead of being stuck in Flagstaff.

After that note, the other events that we were able to do over the weekend was stay with our good friends, the Pratts. They are like another set of parents to us so when we came with Kayton, it was like he was a prince. He got whatever he wanted from them and they just adored him to pieces. The parade was on Saturday and Kayton was a little sleepy so I just stayed home with him and Sis. Pratt. Nate went and helped Mr. Pratt drive a van to the end of the parade route so that he didn't have to walk back to the beginning. Afterwords, we went to the Whipples house for lunch and hung out there for a while. Then that night we went to the fireworks with the Pratts at the lake. I love the spot that we went to and want to go there all the time now. Kayton fell asleep for a little bit before the fireworks started and a little bit through, he woke up and just sat with Mr. Pratt the whole time staring at the fireworks. I wasn't able to get a picture, but he was soooo cute. Sunday was nice and relaxing. We were able to go see more friends and just hang out. The next day though, I didn't have to work so we decided to stay til the afternoon. In the morning, we went with the two younger Pratt boys, Jeremiah and Trevor, and went kayaking. It was the first time I had ever been and man does it give you a work out. The boys enjoyed it more though because we took a break and they played on the shore and caught crawdad's. I found it disgusting but they loved it. (I was too nervous to bring my camera on the water, but I wish I would have now) That afternoon, we went and visited Nate's mom one last time and headed out. We got home really late because we stopped in Winslow to see our friends, but we had a great trip.