September 24, 2010

Such a Boy

The other day, it rained a little bit in the morning and it was so pretty, we went outside to play with our friends and Kayton got to be a boy.  He played in the rocks and the mud and got so dirty.  His dad would have been proud if he was there.  I just got cute pictures and wanted to show him off.

Kayton has taught himself a new trick.  He can climb up stairs now.  We had never tried before the other day and all of the sudden he knew exactly what he needed to do to get up those stairs.  It's a little nerve racking since we live up stairs in our complex.

September 19, 2010

Riding the Quad

Weekend Play

This weekend, we had a lot of fun playing with Kayton.  Yesterday, we decided to go to the park that is here on campus.  It was about time for a nap so we didn't stay long, but we ate popsicles, slid down the slides, climbed up steps, and drove a steering wheel.  Kayton had a blast, I don't know why we don't do this more often. 
Then today, we decided to do some video taping of him with our video camera.  Sadly, I don't have the resources to save it onto our computer, but we got video of him crawling and him pulling himself up to stand and playing with toys.  Then we pulled out his little motorized quad.  We think he has a better idea of how to work it so we tried it out.  He did really good with it so we went and showed our friends the video and they wanted us to take it outside and show them how he did it.  He had a blast and we got this super cute video.

Then today, we decided to do some video taping of him with our video camera.  Sadly, I don't have the resources to save it onto our computer, but we got video of him crawling and him pulling himself up to stand and playing with toys.  Then we pulled out his little motorized quad.  We think he has a better idea of how to work it so we tried it out.  He did really good with it so we went and showed our friends the video and they wanted us to take it outside and show them how he did it.  He had a blast. 

We can't believe he is 7 1/2 months already.  He is just getting too big and starting to do things much sooner than other kids we know that are his age.  He has 4 teeth now that we can see and we feel so bad for him that he is getting them all at once.  He is pretty miserable, but is still also his same old smiling self.

September 10, 2010

Shoes and Blankets

Two things Kayton loves. If we leave our shoes out on the floor, he notices really quickly and will go over and just start eating them. Sandals are his favorite, but he also likes the strings on tennis shoes.
As for blankets, he won't go to sleep without one. If we want him to sit with us, we have to cover him up with a blanket. If he's sad or crying, most of the time, that's the only thing that will stop him. He is so cute. Luckily, we have his favorite blanket in 3 different colors so that we can rotate through them in case one gets dirty. I love this kid, he is so cute.

September 7, 2010

Labor Day weekend

After staying in Flagstaff for 2 months straight, we decided that since Nate didn't have to work that we would go to Show Low. We had friends that we knew were coming into town and there is just more people to see there. We left Friday afternoon at 12:30 and started driving. I am pretty proud of ourselves for being ready to go when we said we wanted to and having everything packed on time. We got there around 3 pm and stay with our friends Mike and Stacie who were so nice to let us stay in their new house they just bought. We hung out with them that night and just relaxed and played games. On Saturday, we went and visited Nate's mom. She is out of rehab and back at home waiting to get new doctors and new machines to help her breathe better. Then we went shopping because of course it was Labor Day and we had to hit all the sales, so we did that for most of the morning and then went home so Kayton could have a nap. We took one too. When we woke up, we went to the Show Low football game! It was a shut out game, but I wasn't really paying attention to the game, we ran into a lot of our old friends and I just visited with them. Nate of course though was asked to play in the band, which he loves. Kayton did so good during the football game and he loved it when the band played. Thankfully he didn't get scared when everyone was screaming like he use to. He was playing with everyone and of course he is a good flirt with all the girls.

On Sunday, we went to church and then spent pretty much the rest of the day with the Pratts. We had dinner and played multiplayer Wii Fit. It was so much fun to see who was better at what, especially those who hadn't played before. Kayton and their grandson Noah played really well together and were so cute. Kayton also played with their dog and absolutely loved her. I can't wait til we can live somewhere where we can have pets. We left and just hung out Monday morning before we left. We did one more little shopping trip, stopped to say goodbye and left. It was a nice, but long weekend. I was glad to come home.

September 6, 2010

Granny came

Granny and Aunt Judy decided to go on a road trip for Labor Day weekend and came through Flagstaff. They stopped by and we went and visited them at their hotel room. Colorado is an hour later than us and they had been driving pretty much all day so by the time we got over there, they were super tired and exhausted so we didn't see each other for very long, but what we did get to do with them was fun. We love these ladies and are really glad we got to see them.

Play date

So, us wives and mothers decided last week that we would all go to the mall together with the kids last week. There is a new toy store here so I wanted to go check that out and we also wanted to let the kids play in the little play area for a while. Kayton was a little tired and so he didn't have nearly as much fun as the other kids, but it was nice to sit and talk with the other mom's. We will definitely go back again with Kayton because he did really good there. We need things to do that gets Kayton out of the house.

Dutch Oven dinner

About 2 weeks ago, we went out with some of our awesome friends the Farnsworths and the Johnsons. We all went to a little campsite outside of town and contributed to a dutch oven lasagna dinner. I never knew you could do lasagna in a dutch oven and it turned out amazing. I loved it and hope we can do it again soon. It was Kayton's first time going out with a fire and everything. He loves being outdoors so that part was good, but he isn't walking so he was a little bored. We put a blanket down and let the kids play but they all were going for the same toy so it turned into a little kid fight. It was entertaining for us. We stayed out until it got dark and then headed home.