March 23, 2011

Spring Break week

This year for Spring Break, we ended up in Show Low again, surprise surprise, and the reason we chose to go there was because Nate needed to get a lot of observation hours done for school before the end of the semester and Show Low was in school that week so we went there and Nate was gone pretty much all day at the schools getting observation hours done.  My goal while we were there was to look around at apartment complexes and any other rentals I could so that we could get an idea of where we wanted to live if we move there.  As of right now we are halfway approved to be able to student teach in Show Low.  It's still not completely positive yet so keep your fingers crossed everyone.  We stayed with our friends the West's, and Kayton had so much fun being there.  He got all kinds of attention from everyone and they have a little dog that is so playful and Kayton just went crazy for her.  The first night we were there, he was running back and forth across the house and the dog was chasing him and I can't remember the last time he laughed that hard.  It was so cute and I really want to get him a dog now.  For now, his little stuffed animal should do.  Since the weather was so nice that whole week, Kayton and I went to the park a few times too so he could play and be outside.  He loved it and he did really good for being away from home.   

There wasn't anything exciting to take pictures of since we didn't do anything extraordinary, but there is a little video of Kayton and the dog.  The one thing I did get pictures of was of Kayton when he had a little fall/accident.  He was out on our friends deck and even though they have a railing, there is the opening to go out and even though there was a baby gate up to keep him and the dog on the deck, he shook it loose and slid down and scratched his face up on the cement. I felt like I deserved the bad mommy of the year award that day, but he just got scratches and a little fat lip.  Poor kid. 

This was just too cute of him and Nate enjoying their movie together

Bath Time

For a long time now, Kayton has not liked to take baths.  He liked to take showers with us and play on the floor for a little bit, but he was never really excited to take baths.  So 2 weeks ago, I needed to just throw him in real fast and get him clean.  He ended up loving it and he figured out that he could splash around and play with his toys more and he just loves baths now.  I love it too because now I don't feel obligated to wait for him to wake up from his morning nap before I shower. 

March 11, 2011

And baby #2 is a

me at 18 weeks
We were pretty sure we were having a boy at one of our other appointments, but we found out today that it was for sure a boy.  Nate still isn't totally convinced, but I am sure that it feels like a boy.  We still are having a hard time coming up with a name, but we are excited.  I'll be honest, we were both really hoping for a girl, but we are excited and happy that it's a boy.  We really don't have to buy that much new stuff so it makes it easy on us.  The due date is still the same.  During the ultrasound, the baby kept moving around so much that it was hard for her to get the pictures and for me to see exactly what she was looking at the whole time.  The placenta is a little low, but she doesn't think it's anything to be too concerned about right now.  I can feel him move every once in a while and I like having that reassurance that he is still ok in there so it's fun. We did get two little videos, but they are pretty big and a little boring to watch unless your us or you want to watch someone measure our baby for like 5 minutes.  I have been having more pains and things that are a lot different than when I was pregnant with Kayton so I am trying to take it easy as much as possible, but I still have lots of things to do around here so it's a little harder.  Here are pics of our new little man.  

looking down at his face and chest

3D face - so cool

Play time

My friend who use to be a PE major knew of a play date type thing where the PE students needed to observe kids playing, so we took our kids to a gym on campus where they had some mats and balls and hula hoops and all kinds of things for kids to play on.  It was free and we just got to let them run around but the students took notes on each kid.  It was a lot of fun to have a place for Kayton to play and to get out of the house.  I just thought he was too cute so here are some pics.

More proof

Here is just one more little thing that proves that Kayton is just a mini Nate.  The other night, Kayton was getting calmed down and ready for bed and Nate was watching you tube videos with brass quartets and stuff.  Nate put Kayton on his lap and he sat there for such a long time just watching these videos and listening to the music.  We did that for two nights and he thought it was great.  I think it's really cute.  

Our toys

We got our tax return money back last week and it was so awesome so Nate was able to get his new toy.  We don't have a laptop and he has been needing one for school and he will need it for when he is student teaching and stuff.  He got a new Macbook pro and it was a little expensive, but he loves it and we know it would last for a long time.  Here is proof of his excitement. 
 For my big purchase, I was able to order a recliner for me and my growing body so I could sit comfortably.  It should be here next week probably.  

Family came to town

As my Dad and Mom made their way to California this last weekend they decided to drive through Flagstaff and stay the night so we got to go out to dinner with them.  Kayton was really cute once we got him some food and we had so much fun seeing everybody and just talking.  Thanks for coming guys.  We loved it soooooo much. 

March 2, 2011

Our little drummer boy

Since the day Kayton was born, Nate has been trying to figure out what he thinks he will want to play for an instrument when he is older.  Within minutes after him being born, Nate said "Look at his fingers, I think he's going to be a bassoon player."  Well, as time has gone by we think he may like something more like the drums and yesterday was a perfect example.  Nate is taking a percussion class this semester and he had to take his drum sticks out of his backpack yesterday, and Kayton saw them and got to play with them.  He loved them and had such a blast banging them together and on almost everything else.  He takes after Nate way too much in my opinion. Which isn't a bad thing.