August 12, 2012


We have been going through a phase where we Kayton is having a hard time going to bed.  All he wants to do is play around, especially when Merrick is in the room.  A few times, I hear them playing and I go back, and Kayton has turned on the light and crawled into Merrick's crib.  He starts tickling him and jumping around with him and making sure he has his blanket, and it's just so adorable.  How can you get too mad at them?

Playing video

August 10, 2012

The 1st day

Last Monday, the 30th, was Nate's first day of school.  His whole week went great.  He had each of his General Music classes and had a fun activity planned.  Some kids liked, some kids didn't, but one class kept singing it after it was over.  The teacher came and told Nate how much her kids loved it.  He loves his new job so much.  Definitely worth the years of school so he could do what he loves.  I had fun helping him get his classroom ready and the kids love it now when we go and see daddy at school.   
His first day of school!

August 9, 2012

2 1/2 years

Kayton is 2 1/2 years old.  It's really hard to think that.  He is so big and is growing up so much.  
  • He just talks and talks so much and it is so great to have in our family.  
  • We still have a hard time understanding some things, but he is pretty fluent in his speech.  
  • He is still going through his terrible two phase and he whines a lot so we are working on that.  
  • He is so active too.  He loves to be outside and go to the park and play with his balls.  Since we have moved I have been trying to take them for a walk to start exercising again and he loves to ride in the stroller.  
  • He loves all motorized things; planes, trains, cars, motorcycles and trucks.  
  • He loves animals.  He knows most of them by name and a lot of the noises they make too.  It's his favorite thing to find when we go out on our walks.  
  • He loves Merrick so much.  When Merrick wakes up from his nap, Kayton hears him and goes running so he can get Merrick out.  He loves being the first one to see him when he wakes up and giving him loves.  
  • He loves to help me do the dishes and almost anything with water.  Swimming, taking a bath, playing with a bucket of water outside.  
  • He also loves his tv shows too, his favorites are still Mickey Mouse and Little Einsteins.  
  • His favorite thing is tickling right now.  He loves to come up to you and try to tickle you, but it's a little bit more like scratching, and he loves it when you tickle him back.  It's his favorite way of playing right now.  
  • He loves going to nursery, playing and snacks, and now when he is at home if I want him to pick up his toys or help me clean then I have to sing the "Clean Up" song or else he doesn't like to help me.  
  • He likes it when I read books to him.  His favorite it Go Dog, Go! and Pout Pout Fish.
  • It's so nice that Nate is a music teacher because Kayton loves instruments.  He loves to play the drums, piano, and he likes it when Nate lets him play in his tuba.  He loves to go to Nate's classroom and play.     
  • He also loves it when Nate comes home.  He always stops whatever he is doing and goes running to the door to give him loves.  It's so sweet.    
 We love this little kid and he gives us many laughs.  It's so hard for me not to see him as a baby anymore.