June 23, 2013

Brotherly love

My brother Tyler is doing a summer abroad study program in England at Cambridge University and we had a family Sunday dinner before he left.  I captured a moment of all 3 of us together. 

June 22, 2013

Fawnbrook Northern Railroad

When we moved back, we found out about this little train ride on Fawnbrook Dr.  It's a guy that works for the railroad that runs through Holbrook and he made this smaller version of a passenger train around his property.  He has some historical stuff set up and makes it look like a mini train yard.  He doesn't really charge anything, and just asks for donations to keep it up and running.  He takes you around this track twice and it has so many great things to look at.  The kids had a total blast and we will definitely go back many more times.  

June 20, 2013

They take after Daddy

The other day we all went to Nate's school to try and help him get set up for next year.  The kids think it's so exciting to go.  Just as we were getting done and leaving, Kayton saw a music stand and stopped in front of it and just started pretending to conduct music like Daddy does in band and choir practice.  There was also a piano right there too and Merrick just jumped on and started playing a little while Kayton kept right on conducting.  They switched later and Kayton was playing the piano and Merrick was conducting.  The joy on their face was so cute and we had to bribe them to leave.  Like Father like sons.  


I love my kids.  I really do.  I absolutely hate how early they have been waking up lately though.  Sometimes, just to enjoy sitting and relaxing before I start my day, I play the mommy card and just sit in in my recliner and hold both of my boys while Disney channel is on.  I don't really enjoy the shows, but at least I get to sit with both of them.  

June 17, 2013

Swim Lessons

Kayton is growing up so fast.  He was old enough to do swim lessons this year.  We signed him up and the first day he went, he did great and had a lot of fun.  The rest of the 2 weeks were a bit of a struggle to get him to want to get in the water or not cry at all.  I was glad that he did it because he loves the concept of going swimming and being in the water.  

At the end of his two weeks of swim lessons he got this little certificate that said what he learned and said that he is a seal.  He loved it and was so proud to show it off to everyone

June 16, 2013

Father's Day

I wish this Father's Day was more eventful for Nate, but we just made him an nice breakfast with his special cards and then we were off to church.  We came home and had a great lunch that he got to choose.  We got a nap and then headed out to my mom's house for games and dessert.  For his big gift, I ordered him a baton that he picked out the color and shape and everything.  It's a special order thing so it won't be here for a few more weeks, but he is excited for it.
"I got a present for you"

Here you go

June 15, 2013

WM Dance Academy

My sister, Susan, had her dance recital and I was glad I got to go.  She did a little ballet number to "A Few of My Favorite Things" from Sound of Music and she did good. She was very excited for it.

2013 Brewer Family Reunion

Every year in Snowflake Nate's side of the family gets together and we have a potluck and just hang out at a park.  We were excited that we moved back in time to go and Nate's sisters were able to go this year and the boys had a lot of fun seeing cousins and aunts.  We are so glad to be back by most of our family again.  

June 14, 2013

Building with Daddy

A few weeks ago, the kids got a toy truck kit from Home Depot and we found them when we were unpacking.  So one of the nights before Nate started is job, he pulled out the kits and hammers and they went to town.  The boys loved it and Nate loves teaching them that stuff.  

June 10, 2013

Water play

We are so excited to have a little cement area in our backyard and we got them a little splash pad thing so we can have a little fun in the sun this summer.  They love it and it helps to water our dirt yard.  


June 8, 2013

To the valley we go

I got to go to the valley this weekend to go see one of my little sisters for her baby shower.  I love this stepsister of mine and am so happy that gets to have a little boy soon.  I love being back home in Show Low now and I feel like I have been starting to get back into family stuff again and getting to see so much of my family again.  After the baby shower, I had to head back home.
Me, Milissa, and Christina
Me and Amanda - the mommy to be
It was just me and the boys that went down, so before I left, I took the kids to the Gilbert splash pad and let them run around and get wet.  I kindof hoped it would get them tired and they would sleep before I drove home.

June 5, 2013

My new car

Well, I almost don't want to admit this again, but I am so excited that I want to share this news.  We got a new car for me.  It's a long story, but we have a friend who just got a new job as a car salesman here in Show Low and she got us an amazing deal and her manager was so amazing.  Our van was almost to 100,000 miles and things just sounded like they were about to give out on we were really wanting to get out of it.  It worked out amazing and we now have a 2011 Chevy Traverse with AWD.  It's a little more expensive, but we needed to do it and it should last a long time.  I love it.  (FYI - this is car #7 since we have been married.  That's why I hope it lasts a long time.)