December 31, 2015

New Years Eve game night

Sometimes I don't think it's all the fun to do anything for New Years, but when you get invited to go play games with friends and eat food, how can you pass that up.  We got together with the Pettingill's, Davis', and a few other family from the ward came for a little bit, but we just hung out and played games at the church for like 3 hours.  That to me is the best way to spend New Years.
This year has been a little crazy but thankfully nothing too major has gone wrong or been terrible.  We were so happy to be able to finally say that we were pregnant this year. We feel blessed and can't wait to see what 2016 holds for us and our growing family next year.

December 27, 2015

10 weeks

We made it to 10 weeks.  I still feel really sick all the time.  Almost constant nausea all day and if I drink water it doesn't really help.  I feel like I have a little of a bump but it's not much that anyone can tell.  We are so happy to be pregnant again and hope that it all keeps going well. 

December 25, 2015

Christmas 2015

What a great morning. Merry Christmas everyone.  Kayton's reindeer food worked cause Santa made it to our house last night. He came with treats in our stockings, Miles toys, and Power Rangers. 
Then the present opening began.  These boys were spoiled rotten.  Some of their favorites where the Disney stuffed animals from Nana and Papa, little Avengers toys from their friend, Raphael Ninja Turtles, and an air hockey table.  They loved all of it and played hard with them all day.  It was a blast getting to watch them and love everything. 
The one I was most excited for though was Nate's present.  He has talked about wanting to go to a Canadian Brass Concert for pretty much as long as I have known him so I got lucky and found a concert in AZ and bought him tickets for Christmas.  We don't go until the end of January, but he was really excited.
Merry Christmas.

So we didn't have any family in town that day to have dinner with so I made some food all by myself just for us and we had a nice quiet dinner in our pajamas at like 4 o'clock in the afternoon.  Although I miss the family time on Christmas, we really enjoyed having it be just the four of us pretty much all day.  We definitely needed that time together. 

Later that night, our friends, the Pettingill's, were done with their family things and asked to come over and play games with us.  We of course said yes and had so much fun.  We played Pie Face and kept playing until we all got splatted with whip cream in the face.  The kids loved it. 
After that game, we let the kids go play with some of the new toys while we played an more adult DC comics game.  I can't think of a better we to have ended that Christmas.  It was a great day. 

December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve 2015

We tried to do it up right on Christmas Eve.  We started with dinner, then I bought a gingerbread train kit from the store so the boys could put it together.  There was definitely a ton of candy on it, but it turned out really cute.  
The finished train
After the train, we opened our Christmas Eve presents, pajamas.
 The boys were super excited for theirs. 

After that, we have a tradition to watch the Polar Express.  This year, Nate got the book Polar Express as a gift from one of his students. So first, we listened to a cd of someone reading it while we followed along. 
When the book was over, we got all ready for the movie.  We made hot cocoa and popcorn.
I love that movie and think it's a perfect way to end Christmas Eve. 

This year, Kayton's teacher did something really cute.  She made reindeer food for us to sprinkle around the yard of our house.  It had food and sparkles in the bag so that the reindeer would see it and come down to our house.  We spread it all around the backyard before going to bed that night so that the kids would know for sure that Santa would come.  
Happy Christmas Eve everyone. 

December 17, 2015

Nate at Star Wars

The new Star Wars movie was a big deal of course.  Nate was lucky enough to get invited by a church friend to go to a pre showing which included a party and stuff.  He had a blast and was glad he got to take Mike with him.  

December 14, 2015

Snow Day and Sledding

What do you do when you have your first snow day of the year?  Go sledding of course.  Merrick begged for us to take him sledding so we found all the snow equipment and even went to the store to buy some new sleds.  We decided to go eat lunch with some friends first and we are glad we did because it snowed pretty hard while we were in there eating.  When we were done, it had cleared enough for us to head out and sled.  The kids had a blast.  I was a little sick and couldn't do too much, but I grabbed my selfie stick and went down a few times with it.  I love that the boys are older and wanted to try going down by themselves and Merrick loved eating the snow too.  It was a perfect day off.

December 12, 2015

Breakfast with Santa

I love that our ward does this for the Primary kids every year.  They get to come and eat a pancake breakfast then meet Santa and do some Christmas crafts.  The boys were really into Christmas things this year so it made it even more fun that they really wanted to go talk to Santa and had no fears.

December 11, 2015

Kayton Christmas Concert

Since this is my first kid, I was really excited for this Christmas Concert.  He loves singing and did so well. All of the kindergarten classes sang together for 2 songs and a poem.  I loved all of it.  

December 5, 2015

Feaste of Carols

Another Feaste of Carols and of course we went.  Our family friends, the Pratt's, son was one of the kings and Brent was also one of the ones with talking lines.  It was a wonderful performance.  One of the fun things they did this year was each king picked a few people from their kingdom and knighted them as to say they were special people in the kingdom.  Jeremiah chose Nate as one of his so he got knighted and Nate got a crown to wear.  I loved it. 

Symphony Christmas Concert

The White Mountain Symphony Orchestra has their Christmas concert every year and this time I was asked to play on it too.  There were lots of little groups that played and I played in a flute quintet with some people I knew from Show Low.  It was a lot of fun.  Nate played on the concert and also helped out with some pre concert entertainment.  It was a great Christmas concert.  I'm glad we got to do it together.
I forgot to get a picture with me playing.