October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

Part 1 of Halloween was getting to get the boys dressed up and go to a 
was Nate getting to dress up with the staff at his school.  They all decided to be Minions or Despicable Me characters, so Nate dressed up as Gru.  The kids loved it. 
Later that night, we went to a Halloween carnival in Clay Springs. The kids got to play games to earn candy and we all dressed up.  Nate was still Gru and I was his girlfriend Lucy.  The boys decided to be Power Rangers this year. They ended up with some candy so I guess that means that it was a successful night.  
 We had a little photoshoot in their costumes

October 22, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

I got to go on a field trip with Kayton today.  We got to go take a walk from his school and go to a Pumpkin Patch to pick out a pumpkin.  Merrick was lucky enough to get to come too.  I had so much fun being on this field trip with them.  It was super muddy and there were several times we lost our shoes in the deep mud, but we kept going and found the perfect pumpkins.  Kayton picked 2 and Merrick picked one.  I love his new class he is in and that I was able to take the day and go with him as a chaperone.  
His whole class
Crazy friends!
While I was with Kayton at the Pumpkin Patch, Nate was at a different pumpkin patch in Snowflake with his second grade class for a field trip.  I think they had fun there even though it was muddy too.

October 16, 2015

Fall Break in Colorado

With October, comes a well loved Fall Break.  We got the week off and decided to go to Colorado and see all the family that we could.  We got to spend time with Granny, Dad, and Aunt Cindy.  It really made me miss living there.  
We got there on Tuesday night then on Wednesday morning we headed out and took our family pictures.  Then we got to go and see Dad at his office and say hello. The rest of the day was hanging out, going to Ignacio and seeing Granny and Aunt Cindy.  We hung out and waited for Dad to come home from work so we could go out to Dinner together.  Yummy Mexican food for us.  Then we headed back to get some sleep in the little house Dad has in Durango.
Our navigator
Thursday was playing day.  We woke up and went back to Ignacio to go check out the library and eat lunch with Granny.  Granny does volunteering at the library that used to be names after Papa McClanahan so we wanted to go check it out and let the boys see where Granny goes.  The new library was fun and really updated.  The boys even got to play some computer games.
After we checked it out, we went up the hill to the cemetery where we saw Papa's grave.  I hadn't been there in so long, it was nice to visit.
 Then we headed back down the hill and grabbed some food at the the new grocery store in town.  Aunt Cindy is still working there helping out so we got to stop in and see her and see how the new store turned out.  Next was lunch at the park with Granny after she got done with her volunteering for the day.  It was a perfect day and I loved having that time with Granny.
We headed back to Durango where we stopped and visited the train museum.  The Durango-Silverton Railroad is a big part of Durango and we went to the museum they have set up about it with all kinds of old train memorabilia. There was an old engine they got to go inside and see the controls and just so many old parts from different trains.
Of course we couldn't go downtown without getting some Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
After we finished there, we decided we needed a break so we went home for some rest.  I decided though to leave Nate there with the boys while I went and drove around to visit some of my favorite spots and just drive by myself for a little while.
 I got a surprise when my sister called me and said that she was in town so I met up with her and Dad. I was so excited to see her!  We all had a family dinner together at Granny's house that night.  It was so nice just hanging out and watching the boys enjoy her games in the basement just like I use to when I was younger.
Sadly, we had to leave eventually.  We took the morning to load up and do one more stop or two in town, grab lunch and say goodbye to Papa one last time before heading back home to AZ.
We sure will miss you Colorado!  We love coming to visit everyone and your beautifulness.

October 14, 2015

Family Pictures in Colorado

I love Durango.  It's definitely my second home so when we went for fall break, I pulled my family around and took some family pictures.  I love how they turned out.