November 30, 2015

Writing to Santa

As our family home evening tonight, we went to a Christmas tree decoration thing that our friends in the ward put together.  While we were there, they had a little table set up where you could write letters to Santa and put them in a mail box.  Kayton was able to write his own and Daddy helped Merrick.  The main thing they wanted was a toy from this tv show called Miles from Tomorrowland.  They were so excited to know that they wrote to Santa and he even wrote them back. 

November 27, 2015

Peterson Family Reunion

You can never be disappointed at a Peterson Family Reunion.  This one was a big hit.  The day after Thanksgiving, so much of the family came and we went to a big church together.  There were games, a talent show, food, big group pictures, and anything you can think of.  There was even a dance at the end of the night that we decided to skip because the boys were so tired.  So many cousins, aunts, and uncles were there.  You can see by the group picture at the bottom.  Everyone got the same shirt and each family wore the same colors.  We were the black shirts.  The cool thing was the back of the shirt.  The theme of the day was to be linked up, so you went by your number of how you fit into the family. I think the highest number was 251.  It was an amazing day and this family sure does know how to party.
Young mom's dance
Kids song

November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving was definitely filled with family.  We went to the valley to have lunch with Dad and Mom in Gilbert.  All of us kids were there and it was such a perfect day.  The grandkids got to play together and we ate some delicious food.  We even got to go play games together outside because the weather was just perfect.  I love getting to have Thanksgiving with my family!
Though that was the main part of our day, we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for another dinner.  We really weren't hungry but it's very hard to say no to Thanksgiving food.  We went and ate, saw more family and enjoyed ourselves every way possible. 

November 25, 2015

Our Birthdays

 We each got one year older.  We didn't do anything special this year.  For me, it was a normal day going to work and everything, then when we got home Nate had bought me a big piece of chocolate cake and they sang to me.  I also got help eating the cake from some little helpers.
 I loved all of it.

For Nate, his birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year, so we got he got to go shopping a little and we ate pumpkin pie for his birthday.  He thinks having his birthday is the best.  He get all of his favorite food and treats.  
Everyone enjoying

November 14, 2015

Kendra Went Through The Temple

This amazing friend of mine, Kendra, got to go through the temple today!  She has been through so much to get here and I can just see the happiness in her now and I'm so grateful I got to be there with her on this special day.

November 11, 2015

Guess what

Yup. we are pregnant again. We have been trying to be patient for a long time and now we are so excited!  The baby is due July 2016!
I had the boys try to help me tell Nate that I was pregnant.