August 28, 2016

Matching boys

This was one of our first Sunday's back at church after Jax was born.  Everyone was in matching colors and I took advantage of it.  I love these 3 boys and their Daddy a lot. 

August 20, 2016

Mikayla Wedding Reception

My little sister is married!  I am so happy for her.  I was so sad that I couldn't be there in Utah for the wedding.  It was so close Jax being born that it just wasn't an option.  She was beautiful though. 
Austin and Mikayla Jones
 Because I was so bummed, I convinced Nate to take me to Colorado the next weekend for her open house there.  I was so excited to be there and see her and all of our family.   
With the bride and groom
I love my sister
Getting to meet Aunt Mikayla
 The next morning we all went to Granny's house and got to hang out there until we all had to leave to go home.  I hate that the trip was super fast but I am so glad we got to see everyone and celebrate with Mikayla and Austin.
Everyone getting to meet Jax

August 16, 2016

Jax 1 month

What can I say about this little boy of ours.  He is so sweet and perfect.  We love that he is here.  We had a really hard time this month trying to figure out why he was crying so much and never wanted to stop eating.  Well apparently my milk wasn't enough for him.  He acted like it was just watered down so we needed to supplement.  I tried for a while to pump and use formula but it still didn't seem to do much so I stopped pumping.  He is all bottle now.  He makes the cutest smiles and wakes up every few hours to eat during the night like most babies.  He loves to snuggle which is perfect for all of us cause we love holding him.

August 6, 2016

Hangar Party

We got a special invitation to go to a Hangar Dance.  It's a big dinner and dance to benefit veterans and those serving in the military.  We weren't quite sure what to expect but it was an amazing event.  They had old airplanes there to admire, a swing band, and a singing group that representing the Andrew's sisters.  It was a night away for us without any kids and it was amazing.  I love how our town is so involved in helping out our military and our patriotism. 
Nate got to go inside one of the old airplanes and see the cockpit
We feel cool cause we sat next to a man that looked just like Willie Nelson
Awesome music

August 4, 2016

1st Day of School

It's here.  My babies are off to school.  Merrick is in Kindergarten with Mrs. Douglass and Kayton is in 1st grade with Mrs. Cody.  I am sad to see them gone all day but it will be nice to have it just be Jax and I together during the day. 
Merrick only had an hour of school on the first day and I went with him.  He looks so cute at his little desk and he is really excited.