January 27, 2017

Sick Day

I don't know what happened, but everyone just decided to get sick and needed to stay home from school today.  It was just a cold and nothing serious, but we made the best of it and enjoyed our pajamas and watching movies together all day.

Couples Bunco

We have such a fun group of friends that we love to get together and play with every few months.  This time we decided to play Couples Bunco. I love that game and it was Nate's first time and we had such a fun time!  Nate was so proud of himself cause he got Bunco twice in the same round and got to hold onto the stick for a long time.  I got 1 and had to document it too. 

January 24, 2017

Jax and the Piano

This little boy loves playing the piano.  We discovered that if we set him in the high chair with the tray off, he can sit and play the piano to his hearts content.  It is the cutest thing.

January 21, 2017

Snow Days

It has been one crazy winter.  We got a ton of snow on Christmas Eve and then school got canceled for 2 days this month because of even more snow.  We were pretty excited and tried to go have a fun snow day.  We made snow angels and tried to find a hill to go sledding on.  Snowball fights with Dad were a hit.  They were in heaven.
 The 2nd snow storm we were able to find a better hill to go sledding on and we got cold really fast.  We had fun going with Aunt Susan too.

January 20, 2017

Game Night

We love game night and getting to do it with our friends while the kids run around like crazy is pretty fun.  We got to play Ticket to Ride and Skip-Bo.  It always makes the weekend fun for us.

January 19, 2017

100 Days of School

We hit the mark for 100 days of school and the Kindergarten classes had the kids make a craft with 100 things on it.  Merrick chose to do a fish bowl with goldfish crackers in it. 

January 17, 2017

Merrick is reading

This little Kindergarten kid is starting to bring home little books to read from school and I love just sitting there and letting him read to me.  He is growing so much.

January 16, 2017

Jax 6 months

 It's crazy how it has only been 6  months.  This kid is growing way too fast and I don't like it one little bit.  It's so hard to remember what life was like before him.  He is a pro at army crawling now and doesn't ever sit still, of course he has always been that way.  He slept through the night a few times and it has been great for me.  His first tooth has come through too!

Daddy's Trick

With every kid, Nate has loved to do this balancing trick on his hand and tonight was the first time he was able to do it with Jax.

January 15, 2017

Crazy Play

Sometimes my boys are crazy.  This is one of those days.  They found their beanies and just had to put them on, then they were just being so creative with their toys and one was one place and the other was an island.  I love when they come up with their own things and just play so well together.
Later that night Merrick just had to read his book with his beanie on again. 

January 14, 2017

Sutton Family Sealing/Joe Baby Blessing

What a beautiful day it was.  We were blessed to get to be a part of the family sealing and baby blessing for the Sutton family and baby Joseph.  They have been through so much and they finally have this sweet little baby that they adopted.  It was such a special experience and it was the first family sealing I have been to.
Ken, Rachel, and Joseph
After the sealing, we got to go to a family dinner with the Sutton's. 
Jax and Joseph.  They were born within 2 weeks of each other and they are so cute together.
The next day was the baby blessing.  It just completed everything and now they are a happy family.  The blessing was sweet and I just love this little family.  

January 13, 2017

Donuts for Report Cards

The boys received their report cards today for the end of the 2nd quarter and just as we assumed they both got straight A's.  We decided to celebrate them and took them out to get a donut from the donut shop. Getting to go with friends made it even better.

January 12, 2017

Army Crawling

He loves being mobile.  He has started army crawling and now that he is on the move he doesn't want to stop.  He's so cute.

January 10, 2017

Physical Therapy update

We love our physical therapist!  She is so sweet and the therapy is going great.  I can see a change in his neck so much and he is really just playing the whole time we are there.  We think he should be done within the next few weeks and that is exciting that it's working.