February 27, 2017

Cute Jax

There were just too many fun pictures of Jax and his funny faces this month that I just wanted to put them all here in one place. 

February 21, 2017

Lego Club

We discovered the Lego Club at the library this week and the boys loved it.  They have a lego table for the little kids to play with and Jax was in heaven with it.  Then they just had all kinds of lego's for the kids to build whatever they want to put in a display case for the week.  They were so proud of themselves and we will definitely be going back.  It's the perfect activity for the boys.
Their final creations.

February 17, 2017


For my birthday, my friend Chelsea was sweet enough to take me to get a pedicure.  We realize it was a little ways past my birthday but we were excited for a day out.  The crazy thing was that it was my first time getting a pedicure at a salon.  It felt amazing and I may become addicted to it. 

February 16, 2017

Jax 7 months

 This kid is super crazy busy all the time.  He doesn't hold still.  He is crawling and pulling himself up to stand by the couch.  He falls a lot too but he is growing so fast. He's getting a few teeth in too. We love him! 

February 15, 2017

Jumping the Car

I got a call today that Nate's car died and we needed to go jump him when school got out.  The boys were excited to go out and help him and learn about what he was doing.  I hope they grown up and want to learn and help more like this.  

February 14, 2017

Valentines Day

Valentines Day is more fun with kids in school.  They carefully picked out their Valentine Cards and loved getting to write everyone's names on them.  
The day of Valentine's Day, we decided to celebrate as a family instead of us going out.  I made a yummy alfredo dinner, got some balloons for everyone, and special Valentine's cards.   I loved it and hope to make it a tradition from now on.  
My sweet Valentine for forever!

February 12, 2017

Jax bath

Words can't describe how much this kid loves to be in the bath.  And he was just too cute tonight to not take a few pictures.

Waiting on the Porch

Tonight we invited friends over for dinner and the boys were so excited for friends to come.  They sat and waited on the porch and I got these cute pictures of the boys while they were waiting.  

February 11, 2017

Jax's 1st tooth

After all kinds of drooling and some crankiness this little boys first tooth finally popped through on the bottom.  He looks so cute with his little tooth!

February 10, 2017

Jax can sit up

This has been a long time coming.  He's been working on army crawling but it seems he has been a little top heavy so he hasn't been sitting on his own.  Finally he did it today.  I was so excited!

February 9, 2017

Whipple Ranch Science Fair

We went to the science fair at the boys school tonight.  Merrick had his 3D robot on display with all of the other Kindergarten kids and then each 1st grade class did a class project together and put it on display.  Once we found their things on display, we went and explored the other activities they had like star dome, an electronic robot, and magnets.  They also got a free book about outer space and we ate a little food.  They had a fun time.

February 7, 2017

Kayton Birthday at school

Since Kayton's actual birthday fell on a school day, I decided to take cupcakes to his class to celebrate..  They kids were all hyped up but Kayton loved being the one celebrated.  I was even nice and grabbed Merrick out of class too so he could come and eat with them. 

February 6, 2017

Jax with the walker

Someone that lives in the neighborhood was kind enough to let us use her walker for a while since Jax has been really wanting to use his feet and try walking lately.  It worked great for a while and I just couldn't pass up his cuteness sitting in it. 

February 4, 2017

Kayton 7th birthday!

This kids is something else.  We can't believe he is 7.  We got lucky and were able to throw him a super fun birthday party and he got to invite 3 church friends to come.  Thanks to amazing friends we threw him a Pokémon party and had a bounce house for entertainment!  There were amazing cakes that looked like a Pokeball and the other one had Bulbasaur made by our friend Ben Davis.  The kids started by playing in the bounce house for a while. Then we came in and had pizza, cake, and ice cream, which Kayton chose.  Afterwards, we opened presents, played a balloon game, then back outside they went to the bounce house.  Thanks to amazing friends and family, it was a success.  Happy Birthday Kayton!
Uncle Brent
Rustin, Ryder, Kayton, and Logan
Present time!
Yummy cakes!
We love our little Pokémon obsessed family!