March 31, 2017

My Little Stalker

This kid is a little mommy crazy.  I kindof has to go everywhere I go.  The store, my presidency meetings, and now the shower.  I had to jump in real fast one day and all of the sudden, I see him pop threw the shower curtain and try to climb in.  He's adorable, but I would love a little break sometime.

March 28, 2017

Williams Trip

So it's on the down low right now but Nate is looking into a new job for next year.  Teaching is just difficult and we are struggling really hard financially.  So Nate applied for a job in Williams at the post office.  He accepted an interview and so we played hooky from school and went with Nate to this interview.  It ended up not being a good fit,  but we took advantage of being there and went to the train station to do some sight seeing.  It was a lot more fun than we thought it would be.
The train came by while we were there
There was a little old western town setup

March 22, 2017

Brothers Playing

These 3 boys have such a sweet relationship that I hope never changes.  The older boys will do anything to get Jax to laugh or give them loves.  He loves them a lot too.  I can tell he misses them during the day while they are at school. 

March 19, 2017

Boys in Ties

I had the itch to get the boys all matched in white shirts and ties and it turned out adorable!  I love these 3 to pieces.

March 17, 2017

Girls night out

I was so excited to get out for the night.  I got invited to go with my sisters to go out to dinner and then go see the new Beauty and the Beast movie!  We went out to the House restaurant, had some yummy food and then headed up to the movie.  It's a little rare that I get to hang out with these sisters so I enjoyed all of it.  

March 16, 2017

Jax 8 months

We have a super crazy 8 month old.  He is just so big and strong.  He crawls like a pro, pulls himself up on things, cruises along the edge of the couch and crawls up stairs.  As of today, he has 4 teeth that have popped through.  He still wakes up once, sometimes twice, a night but will take a good long nap after the older boys go to school.  He's turning into a big mama's boy and we love him to pieces!


March 15, 2017

Spring Break

Our spring break came at just the right time this year.  Our pogo passes expired on the 15th, so we decided to go down to the valley and we spent the 1st half of our spring break there doing as much pogo pass stuff as we could before we couldn't anymore.  We were lucky enough to stay at Dad's house so we were there on Sunday.  We went to church with Dad and Mom and when we got there, it turns out that Uncle Howard Peterson and his wife were giving their homecoming talk so that was a fun surprise. We went home to have dinner, got to play and Jax loved playing with Bentley the dog. 
Nate tried to teach the boys to play chess
Every morning we were there, the boys had to go out and feel the water in the pool and get their feet wet. 
The next day we hung out at the house a little bit and let Jax take a nap before we headed off.  We went to the zoo. 
Playing a Pokebattle outside
We got there and started the walk around.  We tried to do it a little differently than we did the last time we went.  We saw a lot of the same things  and we were going to try to feed the giraffes but it wasn't feeding time when we were there, so we decided to pay to ride the camels.
Nate took the boys on the camel while Jax and I watched from the side.  They thought it was awesome!
After the camels, we kept walking and we found a splash pad.  The kids were too excited about it and we brought our stuff just in case, so we went in.  The water was a little cold for me, but the boys were in heaven and it was getting a little too hot for them anyways. 
After the splash pad, we ate some lunch and kept walking.  We stopped to play with the tractors, milk a cow, and brush the goats at the petting zone.   
At the end, Kayton found the skulls of different animals and he was so intrigued by them and he is always talking about becoming a paleontologist so this is him showing me what everything is.  It was so cute.
As tradition, our last stop was to eat some dippin dots and go to the gift shop for a small souvenir. 
Boy did we wear them out!
We headed back to Dad's house, had dinner and my cousin Kara and her boys were there also.  I was so happy to see her after so long.  Later that night, Papa wanted to treat the boys so he took them out to Walmart and let them pick something to buy.  Of course they came home with Pokémon cards. They were so excited though and kept telling him all about each different card that they looked at and Papa patiently sat there and listened.  I think it is something really special they will always remember.  Papa hopes it will be a tradition now.
Playing with cousin Jackson
 The next day, we decided to do Makutu's first.  I was excited for Jax to be old enough to find something to play with there and it's such a big place we hardly ever saw the boys.  They always think it's a fun place to go.
Break for lunch
After a couple hours there, we loaded up and headed to Fat Cats.  We started with Glow in the Dark mini golf then did a game of bowling.   Unfortunately I lost at both, pretty bad.
 We made it through the day and enjoyed every minute of it.  We headed back to Dad's house for the night and the boys seemed to convince us to let them swim every night we were there. Papa's pool is so fun!
 Then we were at our last day.  We got up, got packed, and said our goodbyes to everyone.  I was so glad we were able to stay with Dad and see the Mathews. 
 We decided to do one more fun stop before we left.  We went to the Sea Life Aquarium.  We had never been and it turned out to be such a cool experience.  After you pay, you get a paper headband that looks like goggles and a little booklet that gives you interactive things to do and different stations to find with stamps.  The boys loved it and they felt like little under water explorers.
Touching a starfish
I thought this room was awesome . It was a wall of fish swimming around and they built a little watch hole for you to walk into and see the fish go right by your face. 
A turtle that had damage to it's shell but they were able to help rehabilitate it and how it's their main feature
Shark tank
With an octopus made out of Lego's
Of course, all things have to end and we went home later that day.  It was such a fun filled week and I love getting to have little family trips like this.