April 28, 2017

Day Trip to Round Valley

We had a day off of school today for snow rebate.  We haven't left town for a while, and we found a dinosaur museum that we though the kids would enjoy seeing, so we drove to Eagar for a day trip. 
The museum we went to was just a little shop that had things on display and things for them to explore with.  It is owned by a family that are paleontologists and we saw so many cool things.  The boys loved the digging table where they brushed through sand and found little pieces of bones and rocks. 
She was so kind to sit at her table of replica fossils and show off each one to the kids and let them touch them.  I think there was a T-rex foot and the one they thought was cool was petrified animal poo.  Kayton was especially interested in everything she showed him.
At the end, her son took us to a special room where they got to see real fossils that they weren't allowed to touch.  I think that was the coolest part. 
"Riding" a dinosaur
The wall had a few different pieces of bones attached showing where they would be on the real dinosaur
Of course they convinced us to get them a stuffed animal souvenir
After the museum, we called our friends the Tuckers and they let us come over and visit for a few minutes before we headed home.  We sure miss our Flagstaff friends and the kids had so much fun playing at their house with them.
It was a much needed day off with everyone and we had a lot of fun!

April 26, 2017

Walking With Help

9 months old and he walking with the help of his scooter and the couch.  He is getting way too big way too fast.  He has figured out that we will clap for him when he is done so he will start clapping with us too.  It makes him so happy to move around.

April 25, 2017

Music Teachers Concert

The auditorium for our school district has been in need of some new equipment and different repairs so all the music teachers in the district decided to put on a concert to raise money.  Nate played his tuba in a brass quintet.  The others sang songs, played piano, there was even a ballet number.  It was successful and very entertaining.  We have amazing teachers for this district!

Kayton's Career Goals

This week, Kayton came home from school and was messing around with his little guitar.  He came out and proudly told me that he and his friend Conner had decided that when they turn 13 they are going to start a band.  Their name is going to be Evil Devil and play rock n roll music.  He can't decide if he is going to play the drums or the guitar yet though. Then when he turns 24 he and the same friend are going to become paleontologists. I love these goals, I just wish he would come up with a different name for his band. We sure love him.

April 22, 2017

Broadway Review

The high school put on a Broadway review this year. Instead of doing one big play, they just do excerpts of a few broadway musicals.  Both Brent and Susan were in it so we had a lot of fun going to watch.  Brent played Mr. Banks in Peter Pan while Susan was a lost boy then they were both in Newsies.  They both did awesome. 
We even got to have dinner with Grandma and Grandpa that night and go to the play with them. We love our little town and the amazing plays they do every year.   

April 18, 2017

Merrick Student of the Month

We are so proud of this sweet boy of ours.  I got a call from his teacher that he would be receiving the Student of the Month award from his class.  Every month one student in each class is honored and he was chosen this month.  He was so excited and got to go up in an assembly in front of the school to receive his certificate.  I have heard nothing but good things about him from his teacher and he is such a good student.  Congratulations Merrick!

April 16, 2017

Jax 9 months

It's so hard to believe he is 9 months!  He says Dada, Mama, baba.  He is getting better at standing without any help and loves walking a lot the couch and his walker toy.  He also has 7 teeth now.  He has been so sick this last month and still isn't sleeping through the night.  He is holding his bottle on his own now and loves to go for walks in the stroller. 


April 15, 2017

Scooter Ride to the School

We needed a break from being inside today, so we grabbed our scooters and headed to the boys school so they could ride scooters and play on the playground.  I'm glad we live close enough to the school to do this.  
They showed me their cool tricks that they have been working on at school like Kayton showing me how high he can swing and Merrick showing me how he can skip on the monkey bars.
We love playing with Jax!
Waiting patiently for me to catch up to them.

April 14, 2017

Special Temple Trip

What an amazing feeling when we get to go to the temple!  Today was an extra special day though.  Today we took some of Nate's family names to the temple and he went through for his Dad, Barney Adams.  It was an experience that I can't begin to describe.  It was beautiful and touching and just special.  We were double blessed with answers we received about changes we feel we need to make in our lives at the end of this school year.  I love the temple and that it is truly and escape from this world and that families can be together forever!

April 12, 2017

Walking and Reading

This kid had such a love for reading.  I love that about him.  Today while we were walking home from school, he had just gotten a new book at the library and couldn't wait until we got home to read it.  So he read while we walked home. 

April 8, 2017

City Easter Egg Hunt

Every year we go to the Easter Egg Hunt that they city puts on.  This was Jaxton's first one and Kayton and Merrick were really excited.
We waited around for a while before it all started and then it was go time.  They both were in the same age group this year.  Ready, set, go!  I tried to give them tips so they could get as much as possible.  Kayton was up front and wanted to be the first one out there.  
The after with all their goodies.  They did a pretty good job getting their candy!  
Jax even had fun playing with some of the eggs from their basket.  
The Easter Bunny!
Every year after everyone has gotten their candy, they have a raffle drawing for some prizes.  Every year Kayton hopes he will win something.  He didn't win this year, but Jax did!  He won this cute little sheep stuffed animal.  
Happy Easter everyone!

April 4, 2017

Bath Time

In this house, baths are a favorite part of the day. Jax loves getting to be in the bath with the big brothers and its so fun watching them play together.