May 31, 2017

Cute Pictures from May

We love having Uncle Joe come over for dinner.
 Fun fact: He is one of the few people other than Nate and I that Jax will sit with.

I love going to help with Center's in Merrick's class

Playing on the tv while we teach Kayton's primary class

They love jumping on Daddy after we get done with prayer

Ready for field day at school

He loves playing with the door open

May 27, 2017

Memorial Day Camping

Oh what fun we had this weekend.  Grandma and Grandpa Peterson invited us to go camping with them at Big Lake, which has become their Memorial Day tradition.  We only planned on staying out one night, but it turned into two and I am so glad we got to be out there and have a great weekend. 
Day 1 was getting there, setting up our stuff in the trailer, and eating dinner with the family. 

Day 2, we got up, the boys went fishing, and we relaxed at camp while playing with bubbles.  After Jax had his nap, we took the boys on a little hike around the woods.  We all found our own walking sticks and Kayton tried to walk across almost all of the trees that had fallen down.
Playing games with Aunt Susan
 Day 3, we tried fishing some more, and Uncle Brent took some people out on the boat for a little ride around the lake.  Uncle Bryce and Aunt Milissa were there the last day too and that made it a big party.
Marshmallows around the fire. 
I loved the simplicity of camping and that my boys got to enjoy some screen free time.  It was a blast and I hope we can do more camping soon!

May 25, 2017

Brent's Graduation

Just like that, he is a high school graduate!  The boys love their uncle Brent and we were glad we got to be at his graduation.  He graduated in the top 10% of his class and what do you know, he even won the brand new car that Hatch Toyota donates for one of the top students to have a chance to win.  It was amazing!
Principal Adams
Congratulations Brent!

Last Week of School

The 1st graders had a special end of the year singing performance and of course they were so cute and did great.  
I am having a hard time with the fact that he will be in 2nd grade next year.  We love our sweet and smart kid!
Last day of school picture!

What you see above is notes from most of the kids at the Linden Elementary School saying goodbye to Nate.  We have thought long and hard and decided that this is going to be Nate's last year of teaching.  He is bummed about it, but the truth is that it's just too hard for us to survive on a teacher salary now.  He turned in his notice and we will be looking for a new job this summer. We all went out to help him clear out his classroom and say goodbye. He is really going to miss these kids though.  I love that he got to work in Linden these last 4 years.