June 30, 2017

June Pictures

All comfy with his bottle in the morning
Daddy can spin his fidget spinner on his nose
Sleeping so cute with his elephant
Cutie shopping at Lowe's
They can't get enough games and go karts at the family fun park
Poor Jax got pretty sick and you know it's bad when he will actually lay still and let you hold him like this
Took Kayton to make sure his eyes are still good
Enjoying my time on my porch with my new furniture
He loves his own little trampoline
Hanging out together before bed

Cars 3

I don't remember how I got lucky to get just Kayton and Merrick, but we got to go on a Mommy date to see Cars 3 today.  It was a really fun movie and we love going together.

Swim Lessons

Another swim lessons in the books.  They were so excited to go every day and see what they would be working on.  Kayton was in Level 3 and Merrick was in Level 2.  Jax and I enjoyed hanging out on the side.  These kids are pretty awesome.
This picture is special because he found these goggles at the dollar store and chose to buy them as a reward.  The next morning before swim lessons, he woke up at 6:30 am and immediately got dressed like this so he was ready to go for his 10 am swim lesson. It was pretty funny.

June 29, 2017

Popsicles and Play

It's summertime, which means outdoor time with friends when it's not too hot.  Popsicles have also become a stable for these kids.  You can't see Kayton and Merrick in the pictures, but we love playing in the yard with our friends who live right next door and sharing our popsicles with them!

June 26, 2017

Boys do FHE

We have been trying to do better at having consistent family home evening and I had the idea to have the boys give the lesson this time.  The day before, Sunday, I told them they had to listen really close to their lesson in primary and then on Monday, they were going to teach us their lesson.  Nate helped them get their lesson prepared, but it turned out great and I think they loved getting to do it too. 

June 25, 2017

Kayton Teeth

 It's official!  Kayton has lost his second front tooth and now has a big hole in his mouth!

June 20, 2017

Parker's birthday party

One of our friends that Merrick knew from school invited us to his birthday party!  We got to play in the water in their backyard and it was such a fun day.  Even Jax got to play with the water table. 

June 18, 2017

Father's Day

Oh how we love this Daddy of ours and we loved getting to spoil him and celebrate him on Father's Day.  We all got him a little gift, some were made at school by the kids, and then we made him his favorite food including crepes for breakfast. Happy Father's Day Nate!

June 10, 2017

Susan Dance Recital

One more recital down.  My sister Susan was in a Jazz class this year and she did so great at her recital.  I'm glad I got to go watch.

June 9, 2017

Swings and Park

We love getting to go to the park.  The boys are big enough now to push themselves on the swing and this was Jax's first time trying it out.  He only liked it for a few minutes.  He had more fun sitting on the grass with me while the other boys ran around playing.  We love living in the mountains and can enjoy a beautiful day like this. 

June 6, 2017

Lego Club

These boys love going to Lego Club at the library. They go in and create whatever they want on a board, name it, and then the library lets them put it on display for a week so everyone can see it.  They are so cute!

KJ Eye Appt

Kayton seems to always think that his eyes are bad and that he needs glasses so today he got to have an appointment to check and make sure he was ok.  I had to start wearing glasses at this age so I just wanted to make sure he was ok.  Turns out he is fine and doesn't need them.  Maybe soon, but not yet. 

June 4, 2017

The Zanzucchi's

So one day, I got a text from Stacey asking what our address was so that they could send us a package.  Little did we know, they were using that information to show up on our doorstep and surprise us.  We haven't seen them for so long and it was nice. We just sat on the porch and talked, had dinner and dessert together, then they headed home. They are so fun and I don't know why we go so long in between visits.

June 3, 2017

Show Low Days

 Every year we celebrate Show Low Days.  We almost didn't make it this year, but we decided to at last minute.  We let the boys do some of the jumping/bounce house toys then we walked around and checked out the vendors.  We got some beef jerky from one of the teachers that Nate use to work with, and the big selling point was getting some Dippin Dots at the end.  I sure love our little town.