March 24, 2019

Landrick Nathan Adams

 So I don't update the blog anymore, but I did want to include the birth story of Landrick in here.  

Landrick was by far one of my hardest pregnancy's.  I didn't have a ton of energy and laid in bed half the day cause my back hurt a lot.  During the last trimester I had to get a prescription for my heartburn because it was so bad and tums wasn't cutting it anymore. Deep down we were pretty sure this was going to be our last kid, and the way I felt during my pregnancy was a big impact on that decision. 

At my small baby shower in Show Low

So now that we live in Holbrook, we knew it was going to be a long drive for us to get to the hospital so we made sure we had someone lined up for the middle of the night and just for someone to keep them in general since Nate would stay with me as much as possible. It was stressful but thanks to 2 sweet families in our ward it was possible.  Late Saturday night around 10 o'clock I started having contractions.  I had a false alarm about 2 weeks before so I wanted to be sure it was real this time.  I did have my membranes stripped a few days earlier so we hoped it would happen soon. An hour later, Jessica and Esther Dawson were there ready to sleep and get the boys ready for church the next morning.  Nate and I loaded up and drove to Show Low.  I had a few hard contractions in the car which was hard not being able to use Nate to pull on while he was driving, but we made it safe and got checked in around midnight.  I believe I was dilated to a 3 or 4.  I made sure they knew I wanted an epidural so that it didn't get too far along and miss out on the wonderful opportunity to have the medicine. 

Things were looking good.  He started coming along and I think they gave me a little pitocin to help speed it up along.  It was so early in the morning that we really didn't do much except try to sleep a little and wait to dialate.  Unfortunately my doctor wasn't able to be there so the doctor on call was Dr. Evans. Around 7 or 7:30 am my water hadn't broken yet so they did it for me and I think I started pushing around 8.  I was so tired then but I do remember it being easier to push this time because the epidural worked way better than with Jaxton.  It didn't feel like I pushed for too long, so I think this was my fastest one by far.  I do remember the nurse and doctor telling me so often that "he was coming" and "give us a big push", and "come on one more", that I told them "I think you're lying" because it was pushing way too much compared to what they were saying.  I thought I was funny and clever semi yelling at them like that. 

Well he was born!  8:54 am.  He weighed 8 pounds even and was 21.5 inches long.  We named him Landrick Nathan Adams and the way we came up with his name was interesting but it followed all kinds of patterns with the family that we just went with it.  It took a while to be ok with deciding on the name though.  Unfortunately Kayton, Merrick and Jaxton were in Holbrook with the Williams family (she was the Relief Society President at the time) so they were not able to come to the hospital to see him.  It was nice to just be Nate and I and enjoy some peace and quiet.  We didn't have too many visitors so the rest of the stay at the hospital was really uneventful.  My recovery was great though and was able to keep my pain under control very well.

We got home on Monday the 25th and the boys finally got to meet him and hold him.  It was nice to be home but unfortunately the first few nights of sleep weren't easy.  First off, Nate was sick with a little infection and also his allergies were making him miserable as well. Second, we had a problem with  my milk and it just wasn't doing enough and so he was waking up hungry all the time and was only happy being on me. We went through the same problem with Jax too. A few days later we finally got him started on bottles and formula and things started going a little more smooth.  We are so glad our little caboose is here and everyone loves him!  Just like a friend of ours said, we have a good recipe for making baby boys.  All of our boys looked the same at the hospital. 

Jax took a while to warm up to him the first few days he didn't want to hold him

After a few weeks, he loved him and liked to help hold the bottles