January 15, 2008

The First

Happy New Year everybody!! Hope you all had a very wonderful holiday season. We certainly enjoyed our first Christmas together. We enjoyed figuring out what to buy for each other and then wrapping it before they found out. It hasn’t been too hectic around here though. Since Nate has a month’s break from school, he is really enjoying his time off, but we are glad that he is one semester closer to graduating. His finals went pretty good and all his concerts were awesome. We are excited for him.
After the stress of finals was over, Nate then got a new stress of making sure the ward Christmas program would be ready. We had to put in a few rehearsals in during the week but Nate got many compliments from the members of our ward after it was over. Brooke played her flute on one of the songs and the whole program turned out amazing. Now Nate can put off that stress until next year again. He needs to get the choir together again to sing a piece for our ward conference on the 13th, so he hopes to be able to pull that off. Brooke’s job is still going good. Title insurance is definitely confusing but it is a good thing to learn. She is keeping busy and feels more comfortable there. There isn’t much else that is keeping her too busy.
Christmas was wonderful for us. Brooke’s boss was nice enough to take everyone and their spouses out to a nice prime rib dinner and had a white elephant gift exchange there. On top of all that every employee got a Christmas bonus; that was definitely a nice gift! Then we went to Brooke’s dad’s house in Durango and stayed there for a few days with them and spent Christmas day at her Aunt Cindy’s house where 22 people hung out, played games and the guys shot clay pigeons in the afternoon and we enjoyed some amazing food. Our cousin and uncle came in from out of town and it was nice to see them along with everyone else.
New Year’s Eve though wasn’t as exciting for us though, sad to say. We had another married couple with a baby boy come and we played games and chatted and snacked on goodies. It was a lot of fun but they had to get home to get the little boy to bed so we just went to Blockbuster and watched a movie and then spent the whole next day doing nothing. It was a nice break to add to Christmas.
Another cool thing we were able to do this month was attend a baptism for an older lady. Brooke played the piano and Nate led the music. It was the sweetest thing. We really enjoyed that and hope we will be able to do it again. Well, other than the fact that it is really cold here (-23° the other day) and we are deeply disappointed that there isn’t more snow, we are loving life and our time together.

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