February 26, 2008

The Weekend

It all started on saturday morning. Nate had a really busy schedule that day and so he got up early to shower and get ready. I was still asleep and when he woke me up he told me that my dad had called and said that my step grandpa (Bubba) had passed away. I didn't know what to say. I was sad but at the same time he was so sick and couldn't do much that it was almost a relief that he wasn't going to have to suffer anymore. So we went about the rest of our day and i called to talk to my dad and make sure everyone was ok and wanted to let my stepmom know i loved her and was thinking about her. Then, in the afternoon after Nate's concert he had to play in, we packed our bags up really quick and called dad and told him we were coming over for a few days for support and just to be there for anything that they would need help with.
So we got there about 8 oclock that night and had dinner with them and just hung out with the family all weekend. On sunday, Mom, Mimi, and uncle Eric had to go to the funeral home to make the arrangements in Cortez and so everyone went out there and we had lunch and played games and talked and just enjoyed each others company. There was some family there that i hadn't met yet so that was nice.
They decided that they were going to have a viewing Tuesday night and then the funeral was going to be on Wednesday the 27th at 10am. We wished we could have stayed for most of the week and been able to go to all the different things but we just did what we could. We hope they know we wanted to be there. I personally didn't know him very well but i thought he was a good man and he will be missed very much.
Well, we came back on Monday night after we saw other family and just did our thing on monday. we were sad to leave but nate had to get back to classes and i had to get back to work. so we got home around 8 oclock and pretty much just went straight to bed. During the night though, neither of us got much sleep. Nate kept waking up with his back hurting him and then he also got a sore throat in the middle of the night too so when we woke up, he took some nyquil and went back to sleep and just stayed home all day tuesday. I felt so bad for him but i made sure he had what he needed. I had to take some homework to school for him but i was glad he also go the rest he needed. he is still home today but i think he will feel better by the afternoon and maybe go to school. other than that we are just getting closer and more finalized with moving . The concerts and everything that nate was in on saturday went really well too. It was a high school honor band weekend at the college and he was suppose to help and he even played in a brass quintet with some faculty members which was really awesome for him. Other than that, we are just getting through life and loving it.

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