March 18, 2008

Spring Break Trip

We were so excited for our trip this last week. We were going to be going to Arizona for a whole week!! Since we are both from there and that we are now planning on moving back, we were very excited. We started our trip on Friday the 7th right after I got off work and we drove to Durango and stayed the night with our family there so that it wasn't too long of a drive for one day. The next morning, we got up and then we left to go to Flagstaff. The drive wasn't as bad as we thought it would be and we got a picture at the border because i am a picture person and just to enjoy the moment. Anyways, we got to Flagstaff and went to our friends house where we were going to be staying. Since we are planning on going to school there, at NAU, they showed us around a little bit and then we went out to dinner with Nate's old roommate, Randon, and a bunch of other people at a place called Buffalo Wings (I think). It was good. Then we just crashed that night and the next day we went to church and basically hung out. Monday was the big day for us though. Nate had his audition to get into the School of Music that morning and we were going to go try to get everything finalized and try to see the on campus apartments we are probably going to live in. Nate did so good on his audition and the professor pretty much accepted him on the spot. That was great. Now all we have to do is get the paperwork finished so that we can see how much money he will get for next year. I am also looking for a job on campus so that we are both close together and then Nate can also get a discount on tuition too. Well, Monday night, we had gotten everything done that we needed to so we left to go to Mesa.

We stayed at my grandparents house since they are gone on a mission and we got there really late. So Tuesday, we got up and then we wanted to just take our time to get ready and then we went and met up with our adopted sister, Sam, at the mall and had lunch together and went shopping which was so much fun. Later that night, we also went and saw some other friends, Gary Paul and Richelle, and we found out they are going to be having another baby soon and we just hung out and talked with them. There wasn't much else to do then so we rented a movie and enjoyed the night just resting. Then Wednesday was the eventful day, we got up and went browsing for new furniture we would want to buy when we move and then we had lunch and met up with our cousin Rachelle at our old seminary teachers house, Bro. Hoefling. We haven't seen half these people for almost a year so there was lots of hugging and picture taking. So we pretty much spent the whole night with them. We had dinner and played a game and then Sam was having a party at her house that night so Nate and I, Rachelle, and Emily (another friend that came down with Rachelle) all went out there and had a little late night fun. The next morning we went and ate breakfast with everyone again and then we watched Bro. Hoeflings little girl for a little while and then left to go to Show Low. We ended up getting there around 6 oclock and we headed right out to Pinedale to go have dinner with my family and hang out there for the night. We played around and I went through some keepsake boxes for my mother which was fun to see me as a little kid and all the stupid things I have kept. We then headed out and went to the Whipples house which is where we stayed at and its always so much fun to see them. We love Sis. Whipple. We didn't really do much else but talk and go to bed.

On Friday, we did alot of things. Alot of times whenever Nate goes to Show Low and he has time, he likes to go to the high school and play his tuba with the band and just see Mr. Pratt, so we went and did that most of the morning and I went in and we got to see all of our little friends and even a few teachers who are good friends to us and it was so much fun. We did realize though how much we don't really miss high school. After we were done there we went and saw Nate's mom and her new apartment and just hung out and talked to her for a while. We were glad to see she was doing so good. After we left there we had planned on going to visit a few more people that night but we went and rested for about an hour and then we left and went and saw Nate's brother Joe. He was just getting off of work and so we picked him up and took him home and saw his new bachelor pad and then tried to talk him into coming and living with us when we move to Flagstaff but we'll see if he ever does. We left there so he could go to bed and then went to the Pratt's house and just talked to them and were there until 1 oclock in the morning which was alot of fun. We love them too. Then the night was over and the next morning we woke up and did a few last minute things and then got in the car and headed back home. We only went to Durango for the night and were there in the morning when my family got back from their trip and then we left so that we could get back to our ward at a decent time for me to play the piano and Nate to teach his lesson in priesthood.

Now we are so glad to be out of the car but now its back to life again and we can't wait until May so that we can finally get moved and down to Flagstaff.


Kara said...

Your new blog looks great and I have been wondering what you've been up to lately. Glad you had a fun trip to AZ. Sounds like you packed a lot in. Your life sounds pretty fun and you guys seem to be really happy and having a great time. Any plans for the 1st anniversary. Can't believe it's been almost 1 year! Hope to hear from you again soon.

& company said...

hey there brooke it is so great to have read about your fun newly wed times!! you two are so cute together!! i can't believe you were in pinedale...sneakin in and out so quick! haha!! maybe when you move to az i'll get to visit with ya!!! take care. luv cami brew

Farnsworth Family said...

so we like your blog. its goood to hear from friends and how there doing. love you guys ian and shaina

Farnsworth Family said...

so we like your blog. its goood to hear from friends and how there doing. love you guys ian and shaina