March 8, 2009

Big news!

I got a promotion at work last week!

It is so awesome. There is a long story behind it and if you want to know, I will tell you but the short point is that my supervisor quit in January to do another job and so they decided to hire someone new to take her spot and so I learned everything I needed to before she left and then I was suppose to train my supervisor because nobody was going to start before she left. So they hired a guy. After working there for about two months, there were alot of issues and we just didn't like him very much, so they let him go last week.

So, instead of hiring someone new to be my supervisor, they saw that I was capable of doing the job and they gave me the position and will hire someone to do the job I was doing. I am so excited. It should be better pay and I will get the raise when my year review comes around in June. I guess these next few months will be my testing period before I get the pay raise. I am still way excited though.


Kara said...

Congrats! Sounds like things are going well for you guys. When am I going to see you? It's been forever!

Kelly said...
