December 30, 2009

Christmas Around Arizona

We spent our Christmas week in multiple places this year. Flagstaff, Show Low, and Mesa. We hung out in Flagstaff until Wednesday the 23rd and we left to go to Show Low after I got off work. We stayed at my mom's house so that we could be there the next morning for the festivities on Christmas Eve. The main events were that my brother Tyler was calling home from Spain where he is serving his mission right now. It was so great to get to talk to him. He sounds so much more different but is still his good old self. After we talked to him, the whole family, other than my mom and me and my sister, went up to Sunrise Ski Resort and went skiing for the whole day. Nate was so excited to go. He hasn't been since high school.
They came back and had an awesome time, and were really sore and tired. While they were gone I went and did some last minute Christmas shopping. It was crazy and being on my feet for 3 hours was probably not the best idea. I got everything done though and went back home and just relaxed. It was a really good Christmas Eve.
On Christmas morning we got to sleep in a little bit and then we got up and opened presents. It was fun to be with the little kids who get all the cool toys and just to be with all of the family in general. After presents, we got things ready so that we could eat our dinner. We had just the family and my grandparents and another couple that my parents knew come over and had a total of 15 people there. It was really good. After dinner, Nate and I headed into Show Low and visited his family and some of our friends. We were out for a while and didn't get home til late, but we love going and visiting everyone there.
The next morning, we got up and headed for the valley. We saw my grandparents some more and then Nate got in touch with one of his old mission companions who we went and met with for dinner. I wish I would have gotten a picture of them together, but we just had a fun dinner. It's always fun to see people Nate knew before I met him and hear their stories.
After dinner, we went to see my family from Colorado! My dad used his time share at a golf resort in Mesa for their Christmas vacation. We went and played the Wii with them that night. It was already a little late when we got there so we didn't stay for very long, but we haven't seen them in so long that it was so awesome. On Sunday, we went to church and then we met up with my Dad again after church. We went to my sister's condo and had dinner with them. We played more games and went on a walk together and just spent time together. We had such a good time seeing them but of course all things end eventually. We had to drive back to Flagstaff so I could be at work the next day so we said our goodbyes and got on the road. We did a little detour on the way out and stopped at the Christmas lights at the temple. I use to love doing that as a kid and it's always so beautiful.It was a great holiday and I couldn't help but keep thinking that this is our last Christmas together as just us for a very long time since next year we will have a baby with us.

December 20, 2009

Slacking again...

Sorry I have been such a slacker at my blog lately. There really hasn't been too many exciting things going on with us. Nate is done with finals except for a playing final he has to do when school starts up again because it got canceled due to the snow storm. He decided to pick up extra hours at his job on campus so that will help us out a lot and I am so proud of him. He is such a good hard worker and I love him so much. I am keeping busy at work and just waiting for the baby to come. We are excited to be able to go see our family next week and hang out with everyone for Christmas! Other than that, we haven't been up to too much.

32 weeks

Well, I have now hit 32 weeks. I only have 8 weeks left until my due date. He could come earlier. I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and everything was measuring good so far. His heartbeat was still really strong too and his movements inside of me are definitely stronger. He can't seem to sleep or keep still for very long now. I did have to schedule another ultrasound for next week though. In my first ultrasound they found some scar tissue in my uterus (i think) and want to check it to make sure it didn't grow or see if it got pushed out of the way. If it is worse, it will determine whether I have to have a c-section or not. Keep your fingers crossed for me that all will go well. I can tell I have been starting to drop a little in the front and I am starting to notice some Braxton Hicks contractions every once in a while. I am just getting excited for him to come. I am wanting to get all of his things ready so that no matter what and when, things will be ready for him when he comes home.

Big Snow Storm

On the first weekend of the month, we had a huge snow storm hit Flagstaff. School was canceled for two days and I got to leave work early one day and have one day off. That part was nice. We probably got around 2 1/2 feet of snow! Crazy! Nate decided to make the best of it though. He and two of his friends, went out in the middle of the storm and made a little fort. It was way cute. Thanks to my friend, here is a picture of them right after it was built.
They were very proud of it. I wasn't there to be able to see the finished product, so Nate took me back later and I got a picture with just him. We decided we didn't want to go out in the snow, we just took the picture from far away. The fort stayed up for a while and then we drove by one day and saw that someone had kicked it down. Oh well, it served it's purpose.
As for another story, the storm was really crazy that night. There was lots of wind and Nate and I were sitting at home and we heard a little bang like something had dropped, but we just thought it was the people above us dropping stuff so we continued on with watching our show. A few minutes later we get a knock on our door and our friends came by to tell us that a huge brand snapped off the big oak tree that was right in front of our apartment. It fell right in the walkway and thank goodness nobody was there because it probably would have killed someone. So Nate called it in to see if someone could come move it and as he was talking to them, the other biggest branch on the tree snapped off. It landed practically right in front of our door and covered up the walkway and the stairway that went to the apartments above us. The crazy thing was we were standing right there like 5 minutes ago, so we were glad nobody was there again. There was one more branch that looked like it might fall but it never did. The next morning they came and got the tree cut down and taken care of. We were scared though because of how close it was to our apartment. Crazy night. But Nate had fun and was really excited about the snow.