December 20, 2009

Big Snow Storm

On the first weekend of the month, we had a huge snow storm hit Flagstaff. School was canceled for two days and I got to leave work early one day and have one day off. That part was nice. We probably got around 2 1/2 feet of snow! Crazy! Nate decided to make the best of it though. He and two of his friends, went out in the middle of the storm and made a little fort. It was way cute. Thanks to my friend, here is a picture of them right after it was built.
They were very proud of it. I wasn't there to be able to see the finished product, so Nate took me back later and I got a picture with just him. We decided we didn't want to go out in the snow, we just took the picture from far away. The fort stayed up for a while and then we drove by one day and saw that someone had kicked it down. Oh well, it served it's purpose.
As for another story, the storm was really crazy that night. There was lots of wind and Nate and I were sitting at home and we heard a little bang like something had dropped, but we just thought it was the people above us dropping stuff so we continued on with watching our show. A few minutes later we get a knock on our door and our friends came by to tell us that a huge brand snapped off the big oak tree that was right in front of our apartment. It fell right in the walkway and thank goodness nobody was there because it probably would have killed someone. So Nate called it in to see if someone could come move it and as he was talking to them, the other biggest branch on the tree snapped off. It landed practically right in front of our door and covered up the walkway and the stairway that went to the apartments above us. The crazy thing was we were standing right there like 5 minutes ago, so we were glad nobody was there again. There was one more branch that looked like it might fall but it never did. The next morning they came and got the tree cut down and taken care of. We were scared though because of how close it was to our apartment. Crazy night. But Nate had fun and was really excited about the snow.

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