February 22, 2010

2 weeks

Kayton turned 2 weeks old yesterday. Here is a little bit about us for the last two weeks.

At his 2 week appointment, he weighed 9 lbs 1 oz. and was 21 3/8 in long.

He had some slight jhondis when we went in for his first appointment. It wasn't bad enough to do treatment but poor thing had to get his foot pricked twice for testing. It has pretty much fixed itself, which we are thankful for.

He has slept good throughout the night. We have even gotten around 4 hours of straight sleep a couple nights. He doesn't like to sleep in his bassinet/pack n play that we have by our bed though. He has been sleeping with us just because he sleeps better that way.
He makes the cutest faces. Sadly they are so fast that we can't get them on camera most of the time, but he smiles in his sleep mostly and then makes a cute coo face when he is awake.

He is a good eater. I was nervous at first just with being a first time mom, but he is eating really well and is pretty consistent about when he eats too.

His looks are a good mixture of both of us. Most people have said that he looks like Nate but there have been a few that say his looks come from my side of the family. Either way, he is just a super cute baby.
He loves to be held. Usually that is the only thing that will calm him down is just to be held and bounced. I love it because my new favorite thing is just to sit and hold him, especially when he is napping during the day.

He has lost his umbilical cord and had his first real bath on Sunday.
He has big dark blue eyes.

We just love him and are glad he is in our lives. It's a big adjustment, but a good one.

February 17, 2010

Daddy's Little Boy

This little guy has us completely wrapped around his finger. We love him to death and can't get enough of him. He especially loves his daddy though. Daddy can get him to do lots of cute things that mommy can't and they look so much alike. He is better at getting Kayton to burp, to go back to sleep, and to calm him down. He does lots of cute things with him daily like making sure that he kisses both of us goodbye when he leaves to go to class. The funniest thing that he does is when Kayton is crying for whatever reason, he will put his nose by Kayton's mouth so that he can suck on it to calm down. (see picture below) It's like a built in pacifier. I knew that Nate would be an amazing dad and I wasn't wrong. He helps me out so much and doesn't complain. I know I wouldn't have been able to get through labor and delivery without him. He let me squeeze his hand almost to the point of bruising it and kept me occupied when it was most painful and I could not ask for a better husband. He loves his little boy and I am so lucky to have him as my husband!

February 11, 2010

Kayton Joseph Adams

He is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 20 hours of labor, our sweet little boy has come. He was born February 7th at 5 am. He weight 8 lbs, 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. It was an amazing experience and we are so happy now that he is in our lives.The story:
During the last week of my pregnancy, we had talked about getting induced but at my last appointment, my blood pressure had gotten a little high and it hadn't gone down two days later so my doctor recommended that since I had been swelling as well, we should get induced before my conditions turned into preclampsia. So on Friday the 5th, we scheduled to be induced the next morning at 9 o'clock.Well, we got to the hospital and everyone there was anxiously waiting for us and we got the process started. They started by doing a gel process where they put some gel in me and then I had to sit for an hour, then I had an hour to walk around and eat and do whatever. They did this 3 times and by the end my contractions were a little more even but it didn't seem like there was much progress. I was already dilated to a 2 when I got in, so it was nice that they didn't have to jump start my labor. After the gel treatments, they decided to give me some pitocin to make the contractions come closer together and faster. I was on that for the rest of the night. I started having really good and painful contractions around 4 oclock but wasn't dilating very much. I got to 5 cm around midnight and decided then that I would go ahead and get an epidural. Little did I know that I was going to need 2 of them. The first one only worked half way and I could still feel the contractions pretty well. They figured out that it was the cathider and the best way to fix it would be to take the first one out and start over again. So we did and the pain was gone. They wanted me to sleep through the next little while so Nate and I finally fell asleep to take a nap at 2 oclock. The nurse came back in to check on me at 4 and when she checked me, she said that my water had broke and I was already past 10 cm.
So the pushing began and one hour later, our little boy came out. The feeling was amazing and seeing him come out and then having him plopped right on me was so great. Nothing makes up for that. Everything looked good and they took him and weighed him and Nate was with them the whole time. He put the first diaper on and helped weigh him and then we got to sit together and enjoy our new little son. We stayed in the hospital until Monday night and have had a good time here at home. We love our little guy and can't believe all that has happened. We think he is the cutest little boy ever!

February 6, 2010

Just a heads up...

For those of you who don't know, the doctor recommended that I get induced this morning. I was starting to show signs of preeclampsia and she wanted me to get the baby out before it became too serious. We have a 9 o'clock appointment at the hospital and hopefully it won't take too long before our little man is here. Stay tuned.....