March 28, 2010

Spring Break

Spring break was great. Nate didn't have to be on call for his RA job and I was able to make it be my last full week off before I went back to work. It was nice to spend it with Kayton and Nate and visiting everyone. We were definitely ready to come home when it was over though.

We started out by going down to the valley, aka Mesa. We went down to see my grandparents and also go to a family dinner for one of my favorite cousins who is getting married in May! Then, I won't be the only grandchild who is married. We did lots of shopping and just enjoyed being with our family. Nate also got to go to the wedding reception for his old roommate from college. It just turned out to be a great visit. Grandma Nielson loved to see her little great grandson and had lots of fun holding him and helping him keep from crying.
Then, after the valley, we headed up to Show Low to be with the rest of the family and see our friends. We just visited lots of people, did a tiny bit more shopping and hung out with our family. We haven't been since Christmas so we enjoyed it a lot.
Grandma BrewerAunt Michelle and cousins Alexis and MadisonGrandma PetersonAunt SusanOur weary little traveler. He did so good with all the car rides and getting in and out of his car seat so many times. We love him!

Colorado Visitors

On the 8th, we were very happy to host my dad and Grandma coming to town to meet Kayton. They couldn't stay for very long, but we were able to hang out and go to lunch and take some pictures. We had alot of fun and I was so glad we were able to see them. We hope we will be able to go to Colorado soon to be able to see the rest of the family. Thanks for coming Dad! We love you!4 generations

March 21, 2010

New job

Nate applied for a new job as a GMM (General Maintenance Mechanic) at NAU. We have enjoyed having the RA job and it has been good for us, but now that we have Kayton, it's not convenient for all the things he has to do during the day. He heard from his friend that there was going to be a few of these positions opening in May, so he applied and GOT IT!! He is so excited about it. We still get all the same benefits as the RA job, but he is only on call at night 2 weeks out of the month. One week for the residential halls where the students live, and the other week for the academic halls where the classrooms and stuff are. The down side is that we will have to move because we are living in the RA apartment right now, we aren't sure yet if we are going to be allowed to live in our same complex or not right now, but Nate is really happy about it and it will make his life a lot easier.

1 month

When he turned one month, we got some pictures taken at Sears. He was really fussy and we didn't get as many pictures as we wanted, but the ones we got did turn out super cute.

First bath

Just had to do a cute little post of the first bath that we gave him after his umbilical cord fell off. He hasn't really ever liked being in his actual bath tub that we bought for him, so we have tried having him shower with Nate in the morning and he loves that so much more. He loves the water splashing right on him and it really is a lot easier to just have him shower.

His Lips

He is very particular about when he wants a binkie or something else. Back when he was first born, he use to suck on Nate's nose whenever Nate would put it near his mouth. Now, it's Nate's finger. Kayton usually only likes his binkie when he is in his carseat or about ready to go to sleep. All the other times, he loves to suck on Nate's finger. I think it's more of the feeling of skin on his lips that he likes. I'm glad we found something that helps calm him down though.

Sometimes, when Kayton is happy or just chilling on our laps, we will play with his lips. When we touch them or run our fingers over them, he just smiles so big and we can't resist. We have fun playing with his lips.

An Ode to our Swing

Oh how we love our swing.

The big thanks goes to our dear friends Mike and Mary who couldn't use it anymore and just let us have it. There have been days where we needed to lay him down so we could do stuff or he is crying and nothing else works so we will put him in the swing. The one we have swings, plays music, and has a mobile that spins. It keeps him occupied for so long. There is no way we could have gotten one for ourselves so we are very grateful for it.

March 5, 2010

Being Comfy

Kayton is very picky when it comes to being held. He cannot stay in one position for very long, but here are some of his favorites now.

He loves to sit up. Usually on the end of our laps or on the bed.

Standing up. He has such good leg strength, it's insane.

Just laying down and staring at things or looking all around. He absolutely loves his mobiles and stares at them all the time.

Leaning against our shoulder and lifting his head up then bopping it around.
He has practically perfected holding his head up on his own. I don't really worry about it anymore.