March 21, 2010

New job

Nate applied for a new job as a GMM (General Maintenance Mechanic) at NAU. We have enjoyed having the RA job and it has been good for us, but now that we have Kayton, it's not convenient for all the things he has to do during the day. He heard from his friend that there was going to be a few of these positions opening in May, so he applied and GOT IT!! He is so excited about it. We still get all the same benefits as the RA job, but he is only on call at night 2 weeks out of the month. One week for the residential halls where the students live, and the other week for the academic halls where the classrooms and stuff are. The down side is that we will have to move because we are living in the RA apartment right now, we aren't sure yet if we are going to be allowed to live in our same complex or not right now, but Nate is really happy about it and it will make his life a lot easier.

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