April 27, 2010

2 months

This is a little late, but I wanted to get in some stats about our little man. It seems like everything is about him now, which is ok. At his doctor appointment his stats were

Weight: 13 lbs 2 oz (80th percentile)
Height: 23 3/4 in long (90th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40.3 cm (50th percentile)

He is a little big for his age. He is doing so well too. The doctor was amazed at how well he was holding up his own head. The shots were not so fun, especially since he was really hungry at the time. He did pretty well considering the circumstances. He smiles and laughs so much, especially when we take his feet and touch his face with them. We bought a bumbo for him and he loves it. I can't believe that he can sit up in it already.

He is just growing so fast!

April 20, 2010

Spring weather

Now that the weather has been so nice, we did a lot of outside stuff this weekend. We went to a family housing lunch thing on Saturday and Kayton hung out in the Bjornn for pretty much the whole time we were outside. He didn't make a peep, just hung there very relaxed. Then on Sunday, we have decided that since he is big enough for his stroller now, we are going to take walks after Kayton wakes up from his afternoon nap. It is really nice. We love this weather!

Kayton's Blessing

On April 11th, we were able to bless Kayton in church. Nate was super nervous, but everything turned out great. We had family come in from out of town just for the blessing and then they had to leave really quick, but we were so grateful for who could come. In the circle was Nate, Bishop Quick, his Grandpa (G-pa) McClanahan, Great Grandpa Nielson, and Bro. Pratt. Grandma Nielson sat with me during the blessing. I am so grateful that my husband has the priesthood and was able to bless and name Kayton. I was a little emotional that day, but I thought I did good. Kayton was perfect throughout the blessing. He whined for a second at the beginning, but then calmed down right away. We were so proud of him and he looked so cute in his little tuxedo outfit. It all seems real to us now that we have gone through all the steps of making him ours. We love our little man and don't know what we did without him.

April 3, 2010

Another comforting thing

Kayton had had his fussy moments today, and of course, it's just a funny little thing that has calmed him down. He is laying in his crib right now, watching his mobile spin around his head while a song is playing too. I know it has stopped playing when I hear him cry or whine. Here is a little video to show how content he is.

Coming to work

Because we work around Nate's class schedule for my work schedule there tends to be a day or two a week that I have to take Kayton to work with me. I am so glad I work where I do because they are awesome people who don't care if I bring him in. They even love to hold him if I am finishing up something really fast. He has been really good so far and he is starting to sleep alot more again so it makes it even easier to take him. Here is an example of what his idea of working is.