June 26, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy 1st Fathers Day to the best father and husband in the whole wide world. It wasn't exactly the first fathers day I'm sure he had hoped for, but in the end, it turned out to be a good one.

Happy Father's Day Nate! We love you very much!

Weekend in Prescott

This last weekend we headed down to Prescott to hang out with some of our friends for one of the last times until they move. We headed down Friday night but before we got there, we stopped in Prescott Valley to say hi to my sister Christina. She hadn't actually met Kayton yet and we wanted to see where they lived. We stayed and played and chit chatted for about an hour and then we needed to be on our way. Thanks Christina!After we left, we got to Prescott about 20 min. later and then the fun began. We went to their house and the boys fired up the grill and cooked us some awesome steaks. After that, the boys decided to go see a movie and us girls had intentions of turning on a movie, but decided that whenever we do turn one on, we just end up turning it off because we would rather talk. So that's what we did. Girl talk is awesome.
The next day was the fun planned day. We woke up and had breakfast and then we went swimming! It was Kayton's second time swimming. He wasn't sure how he liked it at first but then he got back in again and had a lot of fun. He loved to splash the water with his hands. When he was done though, all I had to do was change his clothes and put him on my lap with a binky and a blanket and he was out like a rock, poor kid. The guys did contests to see who could get the best splash from doing canon balls and we definitely got a little sunburned. After we were all done, we headed back and got showered and ready for the day. By then, all the kids were down for naps and we just chilled for a little bit. We decided to go to dinner and go shopping and then head back home. We went as planned and then while we were at dinner, our friends family called them and said that there was a fire burning in Flagstaff not too far away from our apartments. We decided that with all the smoke and everything, it was best for us to just stay another night instead of coming home to all the smoke with the kids. Our friends, the Tuckers, were with us and she was pregnant and had been having contractions all weekend. Turns out Sunday morning was her lucky day. I woke up around 4:30 and heard her and her husband getting ready to leave to go to the hospital. An hour later, I got a text message saying the baby was here. I couldn't believe she has him so quickly. Everything worked out really well and their little boy is so cute.
So on Sunday, we spent the morning there and then found out the fire was pretty much contained, so we said our goodbye's and headed home. As we were leaving we could see smoke from Prescott and thought, wow, that fire is a lot bigger than they were making it sound. It turns out that another fire was started that morning and the smoke made it look like a volcano erupted or something. As of today it is now 50% contained, but it has definitely been an interesting weekend. We had a lot of fun in Prescott and hope that we can see everyone again before they move. Thanks for letting us come Hummels!

June 6, 2010

4 months old

I can't believe my baby is already 4 months old. He is doing so many things and is so active, I can't keep up with him anymore. We are so in love with him, it's so fun to be parents. We had his appointment this week and here are his stats.
weight: 15 lbs 13 oz (75th percentile)
height: 26 in (75th percentile)
head circumference: 43 cm (45th percentile)

He is getting to be so big. He had a hard time with his shots this time, but he is still his happy smiling self most of the time. As of now he is

rolling over - both ways
smiling all the time
grabbing things (mostly my hair)
loves to play with toys, especially ones that rattle
he is eating food now and loves it
can sit up a little bit on his own
very strong all over
loves to stand up
very ticklish
laughs pretty hard
definitely a daddy's boy
starting to like tummy time
definitely has a good mixture of both of us for looks
eyes are still blue
hair is starting to come in more
sleeps really well at night (usually only wakes up once)
loves to stick his hands in his mouth
gets excited when he looks at mirrors
gets excited when he takes showers
prefers to not wear clothes
very friendly with other people
loves to be outside
enjoys going on walks in his stroller
tries to scoot
loves to play with rags and blankets
prefers to fall asleep on the floor with us in the living room
grabs his feet and laughs really hard when he touch his face with them


This last weekend was a record breaking high temperature weekend here in Flagstaff. Now that we are upstairs, it's a lot harder to keep our apartment cool, so in order to cool off.....we went swimming!!
It was Kayton's first time swimming and he had fun. He was never really super excited or anything, but he liked to get splashed. We had a fun time going with him too. There were slides and everything. Best $10 we could spend this weekend.

Colorado/Memorial Day weekend

After such a long time away from home, we went back to Colorado to visit our family. We were there about two and a half years ago and we have never had the money or the time off of work to be able to go back. Now that we have Kayton, we are going to have to make this trip more often. It was almost an unplanned family reunion. We got there on Thursday night and stayed until Tuesday morning. We really just hung out and relaxed like a good vacation. Did a little shopping and then on Sunday, we all headed out to Granny's house. She had a hip replacement not too long ago, so everyone went out and we helped her clean up her yard. Some were mowing and fixing sprinklers and others were planting plants and flowers. It was really nice and Granny loved it. It was also the day that pretty much all of the family saw Kayton for the first time. It was so fun. I took a ton of pictures and we are planning on going back again before school starts so that nobody goes for too long without seeing Kayton. Rachelle and her parents stopped by too!The last night we were there, my parents decided to do a pit fire in the backyard. They have a whole set up and it was a lot of fun. We had stuff for smores and we just hung out and talked. It was a good activity to end our awesome weekend. Thanks for letting us come Mom and Dad. We will be back soon.P.S. - Here is our little traveler who did pretty well in the car considering it was a 5 hour trip. I'm just glad he is starting to play with toys now.

Eating Cereal

Another big thing happened while we were in Colorado. We started Kayton on rice cereal. I was so nervous about starting him and also sad to know that he is growing up so fast and that he is ready to start eating more than just milk. We left and went to the store, bought the food and the bowls and spoons and went home. I read the instructions on the box and started measuring. Thankfully, my step mom was there and not only has she had 4 kids but she is working part time at a day care right now so she was so helpful. She helped us to realize that you don't have to measure all the time and you can give him big bites. According to her, he did really good for his first time eating. He swallowed the food really good and absolutely loved to eat it. We could tell that he was ready to eat. He was always watching us eat our food and was always chomping his mouth. It's fun to try this next stage in his life. Thanks for helping us Mom and helping me and answering all my questions.