June 6, 2010

Eating Cereal

Another big thing happened while we were in Colorado. We started Kayton on rice cereal. I was so nervous about starting him and also sad to know that he is growing up so fast and that he is ready to start eating more than just milk. We left and went to the store, bought the food and the bowls and spoons and went home. I read the instructions on the box and started measuring. Thankfully, my step mom was there and not only has she had 4 kids but she is working part time at a day care right now so she was so helpful. She helped us to realize that you don't have to measure all the time and you can give him big bites. According to her, he did really good for his first time eating. He swallowed the food really good and absolutely loved to eat it. We could tell that he was ready to eat. He was always watching us eat our food and was always chomping his mouth. It's fun to try this next stage in his life. Thanks for helping us Mom and helping me and answering all my questions.

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