July 22, 2010

My 1st week home

As of Friday, July 16th, I am now a stay at home mom! I am no longer working full time and I get to be at home with my baby all the time now! We both decided that it was better for our family this way. The company I was working for was nice enough to let me stay on as a temp of sorts and just take work home when they have it for me. This way Nate is the bread winner right now but I am still helping to bring in a little bit. I am not working any more than 10 hrs a week and if I work when he is asleep then everything works out perfectly. Nate is working the GMM on call job and then he is working during the day for the maintenance department doing blitzes during the school dorms to prepare them for when students come back for school. We are so much happier already and I am already working on things I have always wanted to do.

This week has been so amazing so far. I wanted to do something cool every day and so here are some of the things we have done together. On Monday, it felt like Saturday to me, but we got up and relaxed around the house for a little bit, then Kayton was just too fussy, I could tell he hated being in the apartment all this time, so we went outside and just chilled on the grass. He lasted out there for about 25 minutes, then we came back in and got showered and dressed for the day and headed out to get some lunch. I put Kayton in the stroller and we walked to the Union building to get some lunch. I loved that! Kayton was pretty much ready for a nap too so I was hoping he would fall asleep in the stroller, and he did.Tuesday was just a hangout day, nothing too exciting there. Today, we played around the house and caught up on all the sleep that he missed yesterday then we went disc golfing. I haven't been since before i was even pregnant and I will admit that I had a lot of fun. I always got at least one or two over par, but Kayton did really good in the stroller and I was with Nate.I can't believe how blessed I am that I get to stay home now and take care of things around here. I have a few projects that I want to do and some things I want to learn to do so I can stay busy.


Kara said...

Sounds like you are loving this staying at home job! I'm happy for you and pretty soon when that baby's crawling and older you're going to wish you had even more time, so do all you can now while he's still napping more!

I can't believe how big he's getting. Slow that baby down! Keep him a baby as long as you can!

Jaynah Busher said...

Hooray for staying at home :))

Mary said...

I'm so happy for you to get to stay at home now!