October 31, 2010

Kayton's 1st Halloween

We celebrated Halloween yesterday.  It started off with Nate not feeling well at all so we hung out most of the morning and then I took Kayton to a pumpkin patch with our friends so I could get some pictures of Kayton with some pumpkins.  I didn't think to carve a pumpkin this year until it was too late so I just got pictures with them this time.  

Last night was our ward Trunk or Treat so since Nate was sick, I took Kayton by myself.  There wasn't too many people that showed up but this year was about Kayton getting the candy and us eating it so it wasn't too big of a deal.  He dressed up as a little lion this year and I just loved it.  Too bad he can't stay this small always.  He had fun though with everyone smiling at him and telling him how cute he was.  We had fun dressing him up.  

Happy Halloween!

October 30, 2010

A True Mormon Mom

I feel like that is what I can call myself now.  As a lot of you may know, we have been through lots of problems with cars lately.  It's a whole ordeal that I don't want to remember anymore, but now that we have Kayton and we know what we really need to be comfortable, we finally broke down and bought a minivan.   We promise that this will be our car probably until it dies.  I am not a fan of minivans, I have always wanted and SUV, but this is very practical and we get good mileage when we go on trips, so it will be good for our family. It's a 2002 Chrysler Town and Country and it has a lot of little mechanical upgrades that I wasn't expecting.  It definitely is much more comfortable to ride in and it should last us a long time.

October 27, 2010

Nate's playing again

Nate has become quite the entrepreneur lately.  One night about a month ago, he went to a concert that one of his old directors was putting on and by the time he left, he was asked to play in two groups.  One asked him to play in a polka band for one night.  He played at a German restaurant downtown and it turned out to be a playing gig, yay, and he had fun doing that.  Then he was also asked to play in local orchestra called Orchestra of Northern Arizona.  He rehearsed with them once a week for about a month and then they had their concert last week.  That one was on a volunteer basis but I think he enjoyed it and they came together really good for the short amount of time they practiced. He also played with another polka band/group twice and they had a gig down in the valley so we decided to all go down and make an over night trip out of it.  The second time was for a local event here in town.  Nate is definitely enjoying it and we like it when he gets the playing gigs.  Here are pics from his orchestra concert.

October 22, 2010

Going through chairs

Kayton is crawling through the dining table chair to get his binkie.  I just thought it was too cute to not share. 

October 20, 2010

8 months old

Wow, my baby boy is 8 months old.  I just can't believe it.  It has gone by so fast and he is just growing like a weed.  At his last doctors appointment he was 18 lbs and 28 1/4 in long.  Super tall and average weight.  Here is a quick update on him.
  • he screams at the top of his lungs a lot, sometimes in place of talking
  • he is crawling like a pro
  • he walks along the side of the couch and is starting to play with the idea of walking
  • he loves it when he holds our hands and then walks with us
  • he sleeps so well through the night, it is so great for me
  • he has 5 teeth so far and as of today it looks like he has one more coming in on the bottom
  • he loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and gets so excited every time it comes on
  • he loves to be outside and really just to be out and about instead of being at home
  • he likes his stroller and sitting in shopping carts at the grocery store
  • he is so good at eating.   He will eat anything and he loves to feed himself. 
  • he grabs food with his thumb and first finger and it's usually his left hand
  • his eyes are still blue
  • he loves his blankets, he won't go to bed without them or his binkie
  • he sits so well on Nate's lap, I don't know if he is more comfy or what but he loves it
  • he always smiles so big and so sweet when you walk in his room to get him out of his crib after a nap
  • he is definitely in a mommy mode right now.  He loves dad but will always go for mommy and he has a little problem with me leaving the room
  • he use to not want to sit up on his own, he would just sit on his bottom and lean on his arm but he loves to sit now
  • we just love him to pieces and wish we were able to see family more often
 just too cute - he was watching the prophet


 sitting up all by himself

 helping Daddy with his homework

sleeping so sweet

October 17, 2010

Mickey Mouse

So I think I have mentioned this before, but Kayton has really grown fond of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  We turn it on in the morning and he knows what it is.  When the opening song comes up, he hears it and turns and looks at the tv and starts laughing and gets all excited that it's on.  He will sit and watch it for a few minutes and sometimes he even crawls up to the tv stand and just stands there to watch it.  I love that he loves it.

He's got teeth

It's been a while, but Kayton has gotten teeth.  I can't seem to get a good picture of them, but he has 5 now.  He has 3 teeth on the bottom and 2 on top.  The funny thing about his top teeth is that they are the two little ones next two the two front ones.  If he smiles, he looks like he's got little vampire teeth. So cute!

October 9, 2010

New Tricks

Kayton is full of new tricks now.  The two big ones are that he makes more legit sounds now and is starting to try to talk to us.  He has figured out the "ba ba ba" and "ma ma ma".  At first I was really hoping that he had really figured out what ma ma meant, but now I'm pretty positive he isn't sure.  He just likes to make noises at us now.  If we start saying those things to get him to copy us, he will usually just move his mouth like he's saying it, but no words will come out.  It is just too cute.  
His second trick is that he randomly decided one night to start walking across the couch.  We never really tried to push it on him or anything, he just decided to do it the other night.  First time he did it, he was pretty much a pro.  He loves this new freedom.  This morning, we were feeding him some little snacks and we would put them at different ends of couch and make him go from one end to the other for each bite.  It's way too much fun for us to watch him.  

Now, I guess this new thing isn't a trick, but for some reason, Kayton was never interested in sitting up by himself.  He would always sit on his bottom and then lean on his arm.  It we would sit him down and then distract him, he would sit on his own, but he would never just sit by himself without leaning on his arms.  It was weird for me because he was crawling like a mad man before he was sitting up by himself, but now he does it on his own and I just can't help but watch him sit while he plays with his toys.  It is just too cute for me.   I bet he starts walking by Thanksgiving.....scary.

October 2, 2010

I made this...

 So I have been saying for a while now that I wanted to make a fall wreath to hang on my door.  I have always had lots of Halloween decorations, but never any fall decorations.  So I was looking at this cute blog and got an idea to just go to the dollar store and see what I could find.  Well, I did it.  I went down there and found just awesome stuff.  I got a wooden wreath, little bushels of leaves and some pumpkins, and made this. 
I must admit that I am pretty proud of myself because I am not crafty in the least bit and I made this.  I also just got a garland of leaves and a styrofoam pumpkin and set that up on my piano.  It's not much but I just thought it would be better than nothing.  All of this was for the low low price of $9.85.  I love it.  And now I have some Halloween decorations up too and its about to rain outside so the fall season is definitely upon us now.