October 20, 2010

8 months old

Wow, my baby boy is 8 months old.  I just can't believe it.  It has gone by so fast and he is just growing like a weed.  At his last doctors appointment he was 18 lbs and 28 1/4 in long.  Super tall and average weight.  Here is a quick update on him.
  • he screams at the top of his lungs a lot, sometimes in place of talking
  • he is crawling like a pro
  • he walks along the side of the couch and is starting to play with the idea of walking
  • he loves it when he holds our hands and then walks with us
  • he sleeps so well through the night, it is so great for me
  • he has 5 teeth so far and as of today it looks like he has one more coming in on the bottom
  • he loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and gets so excited every time it comes on
  • he loves to be outside and really just to be out and about instead of being at home
  • he likes his stroller and sitting in shopping carts at the grocery store
  • he is so good at eating.   He will eat anything and he loves to feed himself. 
  • he grabs food with his thumb and first finger and it's usually his left hand
  • his eyes are still blue
  • he loves his blankets, he won't go to bed without them or his binkie
  • he sits so well on Nate's lap, I don't know if he is more comfy or what but he loves it
  • he always smiles so big and so sweet when you walk in his room to get him out of his crib after a nap
  • he is definitely in a mommy mode right now.  He loves dad but will always go for mommy and he has a little problem with me leaving the room
  • he use to not want to sit up on his own, he would just sit on his bottom and lean on his arm but he loves to sit now
  • we just love him to pieces and wish we were able to see family more often
 just too cute - he was watching the prophet


 sitting up all by himself

 helping Daddy with his homework

sleeping so sweet

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