April 28, 2011

26 weeks

I am 26 weeks along this week.  The baby feeling really big to me, but according to my book it's 14 inches long and is a little over 1 1/2 pounds.  I feel the arms move and the feet push on me without a doubt now and it's hard for me to sleep at night sometimes, but it's a good pregnancy overall right now.  Just the uncomfortableness of it all is driving me crazy.  I don't know how much longer I can last.  It's also starting to hit me that the due date is coming up too quickly for me.  I have just barely over 3 months left.  Wow.  I know as the summer comes around and Nate will be able to help me out at home then I will feel more ready for this baby to come because I can get all of the old stuff out of storage and get the pack and play all set up and ready to go.  I'm excited for that stuff.  I think I have been a little more moody this pregnancy and Nate has suffered a little, but he is being a good sport.  I love him.  Here is a little comparison between this pregnancy and the last one.  It's only a week difference.  I'm surprised how different I look. 

Me at 25 weeks now (also sporting my new hair cut)
me at 26 weeks with Kayton.

April 21, 2011

It's Springtime!

And to kick it off, we went to a little Spring/Easter Celebration that the family housing put together.  It was a lot of fun and now that it's warmer, Kayton and I go outside pretty much everyday.  Sometimes twice a day.  He loves it and gets so mad when I leave the door open and he can't go out because of the screen door.  We are so excited for Spring to be here!

going down the fun slide!

playing with the balls in the water was his favorite thing

April 15, 2011

Change happens quick

Oh the drama with college is never ending, especially for Nate.  After much thought and prayer, we have decided to postpone student teaching for one more semester.  I know it sounds bad, but if you look at it from our point of view, it really is the best decision for us right now.  This means we will stay in Flagstaff until December or January and then move to Show Low (hopefully) so Nate can do his student teaching next spring.  The classes he was planning on taking over the summer will just be moved to the fall and then he has more time to finish all his requirements for graduation that aren't related to his classes which he just wouldn't be able to get done in the next 4 weeks.  It's really going to stink living in Flagstaff and especially in our tiny little apartment for that much longer, but we will be able to save more money this way and get more loan money to help us during student teaching and then I will already have the baby before we move rather than going through the stress of moving and then having a baby.  We both are a little disappointed, but we know it's the right thing for us right now.  That is just a little update for us right now in case any one really follows our blog. 
Hope everyone else is having a great day! 

Funny Videos

  we are working on sounds of animals and words right now and this is what happened one night when we were working on what a chicken says

he is very into peek a boo right now

he loves to play with shoes.  nobody gets why

April 8, 2011

Weekend getaway

Last weekend, we were able to do a little getaway to Eagar, AZ.  It was our friend, Pat's, birthday so we went back home with him and hung out with his family there.  We had so much fun and in a way it was a real mini spring break for Nate since he did so much working and not so much relaxing while we were in Show Low for our actual spring break.  We got there on Friday and I hung out with Kayton and Kimbi while the boys went prairie dog hunting.  They got back around dinner time and then we all went out to eat at Trail Riders.  It was really good food for such a small town and it was nice to go out.  The next day we tried to watch conference but it didn't work very well, so Kimbi and I played with the kids and the boys got things ready to go so we could go ride the 4 wheelers.  We went a little more off the path than I was use to, but Pat's dad knew of a natural spring that he wanted to take us to see.  Technically I shouldn't have gone because it was too much bouncing and off-roading for the baby, but I stayed in the truck most of the time and Nate and Pat got to ride the 4-wheelers.  Kayton went on the 4-wheeler for a little while with Nate and just loved it.  I loved watching them ride around and get to be boys.  We finally got back to the spring and got some pictures and then we had to turn right back around to head home so the boys could go to priesthood session. 
Nate riding on the quad

driving right by a few cows

driving in the truck

The girls then went back to the house and while Pat's mom cooked dinner, we got to watch Tangled which was my first time watching it.  Just the cutest movie ever I might add.  Then we celebrated Pat's birthday that night with home made chicken and dumplings and then cake.  It was so good and we had a great time.  Sunday we watched the morning session of conference at Kimbi's parent's house and then we went back with Pat's family and had a BBQ for lunch and then we got packed up and left.  We had a fun time and maybe we will go back over the summer again with them. 

April 4, 2011

2nd Ultrasound

At my 1st ultrasound appointment when we found out this baby is a boy, I got a call a couple days later and my doctor explained to me that my placenta looked weird.  She said that it wasn't anything to be worried about, it was just interesting and they wanted to look at it more closely.  It was a little lower than it should be and instead of being placed on just the front or the back, it had kind of wrapped around the bottom and was close to covering my cervix which could have lead to having to deliver via c-section.  I put on the face of not being afraid or too concerned, but I was and thanks to my wonderful husband, he was able to give me a blessing and I felt better after that.
Well, my second appointment was last week and they had a specialist there to look at me and my placenta. In the room with me at different times throughout the appointment was the ultrasound tech, the specialist, one of my nurses and my regular doctor.  They all looked at the monitor and said that everything is looking good and they all were able to see that it is most definitely a boy.  The placenta is still low, but thankfully it has moved up more to where it should be sitting and it's not close to the cervix now.  I haven't been put on any sort of restrictions right now which is great, but it's still something I worry about.  Things are definitely looking better and nobody had any worries or concerns as far as I know.  I feel better now and am still trying to make sure I take it as easy as I can.  The ultrasound tech was nice and printed us a few more pictures that we couldn't get last time.

profile shot with his eye and hands

it's definitely a boy

April 3, 2011

Helping and new toy

Kayton is getting to be so big and is starting want to help us out with things a lot more.  Here is an idea of his new thing to help with.  He has never really been scared of the vacuum and he loves to play with it and it was just so cute. 

I just love this kid too much.  Well, with our recliner also came a big giant box that it was shipped in.  Someone gab us the great idea to let Kayton play with it, so we turned it into a little cardboard box house.  It's so fun for him and he likes to sit in it and the best part is that it collapses so easily so it's not always on my living room floor.  It's so true that kids love to play with the weird simple things more than the really expensive toys that we buy them.  

My gift to me

 With our tax rebate money, if you remember, Nate got a laptop, which was both a necessity and a toy, but my thing was a recliner.  It's for both of us, but for now, it's mine.  I love it and am so excited for having my little baby to hold and rock in it.  The hard thing with it is that since we have such a small apartment, I had to store my dining table so that my recliner could go there.  I love it though and it is just so comfortable.  

It definitely goes to good use