December 25, 2011

The Snow

We had our 2nd snow and it was a big one.  The last time it snowed, Kayton was sick so he didn't get to play in it, but we did this time.  He loved to just pick up the snow and put it in his hand and then throw it back on the ground.  He also thought it was so cool to run through a foot of snow to get to the playground toys.  Then, we invested in a cheap little sled and him and Nate got to go down the hill that is in our complex.  He was a little scared going down, but once it was over, he loved it.  We hope that there will be lots more snow days in Show Low so we can do lots more.

4 months

Wow.  My little boy is 3 months old.  It's so unreal to me how fast it's gone.  At his appointment he was
15 lbs 12 oz
25 1/2 in long

He smiles a lot
He is very needy, he needs to be held or you need to be nearby looking at him
Rolls over so well
Doesn't like anything plastic in his mouth, he won't take a pacifier or a bottle
Very good at grabbing my hair and anything else he wants
Loves to watch Kayton, he is very good at making him laugh
He grabs his feet and brings them to his mouth
He is a little stranger shy, but only to a few people
He love to be held in his Bjornn, it has been my lifesaver on a few occasions, but it kills my back
He is just so cute and I see a lot of myself in him

December 23, 2011

Merrick's eating

 Yup, he is old enough now to eat solid foods We went to Olive Garden one night and he was so upset, so to keep him happy, we gave him the end of some bread sticks (the hard part) and let him suck on it and he got so upset when we had to leave, so we knew it was time to try some food.  He hasn't really taken to it like Kayton did though.  He has mixed feelings about eating it now and so I haven't been very good about feeding him consistently yet.  He enjoys sitting in his highchair though during dinner time now. 

December 3, 2011

Our Thanksgiving

We had such a good Thanksgiving.  We got to go to Colorado and be with our family there.  We got there late Wednesday night and just relaxed then on Thanksgiving we had all of my Mom's family come over from Cortez and we all had dinner together.  Sadly we were so busy that I totally didn't think to get any pictures, but it was so nice to be around family and get to see my new niece and for everyone else to see Merrick.  It was so great.  A much needed break and family time.  Sadly though, later that night I woke up and was nauseous and was sick throughout the whole night and then didn't feel good until around lunch time on Friday.  Then Nate got sick during the day on Friday too.  He wasn't as bad as me, but it limited the things we did for the weekend.  Thankfully our boys didn't get sick, but we passed it on to my brother-in-law and my sister which I felt just awful about.  Sadly, because of the sickness, we couldn't see my Granny and Aunt because there was no way they could stand the chance of getting sick.  But, we made the best of it and got to hang out with everyone.  Kayton was a little nervous around everyone and he has never been that attached to me but he knows who Nana and Papa are and loved to talk to them and ask where they are.  He also absolutely loved their pool table and kept asking to go play with the balls. He also loved to go up and down the stairs.  It made me realize how super small our apartment is.  I miss being so close to them.  It was so nice to be home. 

Our travelers

such a good sleeper

Cousins - Merrick and Londyn

Uncle Chad and Merrick
Nana and Merrick
Mikayla and Londyn

Our Birthdays

Nate and I both have our birthdays in November and they are 8 days apart.  Mine was on the 18th and it wasn't much, but in the morning before Nate left for work, he got a little cookie and put a candle on it and he and the boys sang Happy Birthday to me.  It was so cute.  So I went about the day as normal and then for the first time since Merrick was born, Nate and I got a babysitter for both kids and we went to Chili's for dinner.  The break away from them alone was nice.  Then we got home and had rented a movie to watch together as a family so that's what we did and of course, I fell asleep before the movie was over.  It wasn't much, but it was nice.  

Then, Nate's birthday was while we were in Colorado.  He didn't want to do anything and we had both just gotten over being sick so we relaxed in the morning and the we went to this amazing restaurant called Serious Texas BBQ and had his favorite meal for lunch and had his favorite cake with everyone.  

 We both had good birthdays and we are both ok without saying how old we are now.