December 25, 2011

4 months

Wow.  My little boy is 3 months old.  It's so unreal to me how fast it's gone.  At his appointment he was
15 lbs 12 oz
25 1/2 in long

He smiles a lot
He is very needy, he needs to be held or you need to be nearby looking at him
Rolls over so well
Doesn't like anything plastic in his mouth, he won't take a pacifier or a bottle
Very good at grabbing my hair and anything else he wants
Loves to watch Kayton, he is very good at making him laugh
He grabs his feet and brings them to his mouth
He is a little stranger shy, but only to a few people
He love to be held in his Bjornn, it has been my lifesaver on a few occasions, but it kills my back
He is just so cute and I see a lot of myself in him

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