April 17, 2012

His first bowl

The other day, Kayton had his first bowl of Graham crackers and milk.  Now this isn't a big deal unless your part of my Mom's side of the family.  My Grandpa started it (as far as I know) and it's been something that a lot of the grandkids love and it's one of my favorite things to eat in the morning.  You just take graham crackers and break them up in a bowl and add milk just like cereal.  It looks gross and probably sounds gross to some, but it's just mushed crackers and it's irresistible to me. Now you can't have just any graham crackers, they have to be the Nabisco crackers (aka the good kind).  It was a proud day for me to say the least. I hope to continue passing it down to my kids just like my grandpa and mom did.

1 comment:

Amy Jo Mama said...

I.LOVE.THIS!!! When I eat this at my apartment, my roommates think I'm nuts. But let's be real....it's like the best thing ever! I try to explain to them that it's soo much better than dunking because your fingers don't get wet. Oh I'm so glad you are keeping the tradition alive!! :) ps your boys are adorable!!