February 23, 2013

Eye Surgery

Since Merrick was born, he has had clogged tear ducts in both eyes.  Thankfully one of them went away on his own at about 6 months, but his right eye just never let up.  At 18 months our pediatrician said that he needed to go see an eye doctor, so we did.  The doctor decided to do surgery and probe his eye.  We went in the morning of the 22ndI felt so bad because they had to put him under, but it was only for a few minutes.  I was only in the waiting room for about a half hour total.  The doctor came out and said that it was a little difficult and we may have to do some more work later, but at his follow up appointment, the doctor said that if he eye isn't gooping up uncontrollably making his eye goop shut then we just need to give it more time.  It keeps coming and going so I don't know what to expect anymore.  Here are some pictures of him after his surgery. 

After they released him, we went and picked up Kayton at our friends house and the medicine didn't even phase Merrick.  He was still a little wobbly but he wouldn't let me hold him, he just got up and kept trying to run and play.  I was grateful that he didn't feel bad

February 20, 2013

Things that go

As I mentioned before, Kayton got a bike for his birthday.  Whenever I go to play group, a lot of the older kids bring their bikes and ride them around the gym and one day Kayton was the only one without a bike so we got him one.  A few days after his birthday, we took Kayton and Merrick to some old tennis courts across from our house and let Kayton try out his bike.  I couldn't let Merrick feel left out so we brought the little coupe car for him to drive.  

Kayton picked up riding his  bike really well and did a really good job his first time out.  Nate did a really good job of teaching him.  

 And then they were ready to switch. 

February 17, 2013


Both my boys go to nursery now.  I can't believe it.  Merrick had his first real day on the 10th and he has done pretty good so far.  They had to bring him out to me once but that was because he pushed himself backwards out of his chair during snack time, but after I calmed him down then he went right back in without any problems.  The strangest part is me getting use to not having a kid to take care of for 2 hours. I like it. 
both of them after nursery

February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

We had a low key Valentines Day.  It was on a Thursday, so we didn't do anything that night because first of all, I wasn't feeling too good because of my medicine, and Nate had symphony rehearsal in Show Low, so the kids and I had heart shaped pancakes for dinner.  

The next night, our stake had an adult dinner.  So we got a babysitter and went to that.  They had some good food and then a dance tutorial thing lasted for a while, so we ducked out early and sad to say, we went to Walmart and got a few things we needed and also just looked around a little bit.  We mostly just had fun being out of the house and together without the kids.  

February 9, 2013

Kayton 3 years

I can't believe it.  Kayton is 3 years old.  He is just growing up so fast and I love all the things that come with this age.  He is a big mama's boy and is so good at giving loves and snuggling with us.  It just seems like almost everything you can think of, he can do.
  • He talks all the time, sometimes it's annoying.  Full sentences that pretty much everyone understands.
  • He knows most of his colors and letters and numbers up to 10.  
  • Loves to be outside, still, and since he got a bike for his birthday, he has loved it even more.  
  • He loves to be social and play with people.  Sometimes he tries a little too hard, but I'm glad he doesn't mind making friends.
  • He loves to play games, electronic games mostly.  Since we got our smartphones he is constantly asking to play the games and I am surprised how smart he is and how it doesn't take him very long to figure things out.  
  • He is such a good big brother.  He loves to play and fight with Merrick and I love watching them together.  
  • He is such a big ball of energy
  • He likes to when I read to him and when he gets to copy what I say for scriptures.  

For his birthday, we had a little party and he had a blast.  My Mom and siblings from Show Low came over for the night, and we had 2 or 3 families from our game night group come.  We hung out and had cake and ice cream and Kayton got some great presents.  It was so great having so many people here for him.  We got him a bike and a helmet and he also got a book and with a stuffed animal to go with it and he got a lincoln logs set.  Of course Merrick wanted them all too.  

Happy Birthday to Kayton!

Dinner with family

Everyone for the party

Blowing candles

Opening presents

Hanging out with Uncle Dallin

February 2, 2013

Traveling with Dad

Nate goes to an Arizona teacher's conference every year in February so this time, I was feeling like I needed to get out of the house, so we all drove down to hang out in the valley while Nate was at his conference.  We stayed with our friends the Hummel's that we knew from Flagstaff and the kids and I loved hanging out with them.  The weather was perfect and we went to the park together.  I'm so glad we went down even if it was just overnight.