February 23, 2013

Eye Surgery

Since Merrick was born, he has had clogged tear ducts in both eyes.  Thankfully one of them went away on his own at about 6 months, but his right eye just never let up.  At 18 months our pediatrician said that he needed to go see an eye doctor, so we did.  The doctor decided to do surgery and probe his eye.  We went in the morning of the 22ndI felt so bad because they had to put him under, but it was only for a few minutes.  I was only in the waiting room for about a half hour total.  The doctor came out and said that it was a little difficult and we may have to do some more work later, but at his follow up appointment, the doctor said that if he eye isn't gooping up uncontrollably making his eye goop shut then we just need to give it more time.  It keeps coming and going so I don't know what to expect anymore.  Here are some pictures of him after his surgery. 

After they released him, we went and picked up Kayton at our friends house and the medicine didn't even phase Merrick.  He was still a little wobbly but he wouldn't let me hold him, he just got up and kept trying to run and play.  I was grateful that he didn't feel bad

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