February 19, 2014

My new toy

I have been dreaming of this day for so long.  Today I got my new camera in the mail.  I ordered a Canon Rebel T5i with some of our tax return money.  My old one just wasn't working to catch the moments with my kids and I have always wanted to take pictures of families and stuff some day so it was the perfect investment.  I can only use it in auto mode now but hopefully I can find a class to learn more about it.  It is such a blessing and am so glad that I am lucky enough to have it.  I still have a few accessories that I want to buy eventually, but for now it's just amazing.

February 17, 2014

Valentines Day

What a crazy and fun day/weekend it was for us.  Nate is super busy this time of year with concerts and honor bands and all these different things that us music teachers wives deal with.  So on Valentine's Day, Nate was in Holbrook helping with the HS regional honor band day.  He was gone for most of the day so we decided not to do anything special that night.

Growing up we got little Valentine's baskets or gifts from our parents so I felt really bad when I realized that I didn't get anything for the kids from us.  So I took them out and they got to pick our their own airplanes from the store and I picked out a hear shaped candy stick for them.  They were in heaven the rest of the day and I loved spoiling them a bit.  

For the night, I made plans with some of my girl friends.  We celebrated because we all had men, but they were not able to be with us so we had a girls valentines day.  We had pizza and watched the mormon Pride and Prejudice while our kids played.  We had fun and agreed that it was a great way to spend Valentines Day.

Nate did get home late that night and brought me flowers and chocolate.  :)
To make up for being gone on Valentines Day, we had our date that Monday night since Nate and I had the day off from work.  We went bowling and had some yummy Italian food at Red Devil Restaurant in Pinetop.   I love having a Valentine!

February 16, 2014

Kayton's First's in Primary

My little boy in Sunbeams is growing up way too fast.  On Sunday the 2nd, he got to say his first prayer in primary.  That same day was also the Sunday before his birthday so he got to get up and have the kinds sing happy birthday to him.  He loved it and got a temples magazine from the presidency for his gift.  
Saturday night, the 15th, we got a call asking if Kayton would give a talk in primary the next day.  At first I was nervous that he wouldn't want to get up and talk in the microphone, but he got up there with no fear and did awesome.  His talk was on Heavenly Father created us like him.  You couldn't really understand him in the microphone, but he loved being up there.  He now tries to get up there all the time to give prayers or talks.  He is so cute.  I am so proud of him and how he is loving primary and growing spiritually.

New Calling

I do lots of things at church.  I play the piano and I am suppose to help out with the Relief Society activities, but I got pulled into the bishop's office today for one more calling.  I am now the Girls Camp Director for our ward.  Thankfully it's stake camp so I am only responsible for planning for a few hours a day, but I am a little overwhelemed with being scared and excited all at once.  Wish me luck.

February 8, 2014

Kayton turns 4!

I have a 4 year old.  It's very hard to comprehend that.  4 years ago my little Kayton was born.  He is growing up so fast and picks up on things so quickly now.  He absolutely loves going to preschool and gets so excited for Monday to come around so he can go back. He has been good at learning new songs, new games, and he talks and talks all the time.  We are definitely in the why stage now and he loves showing us everything and asking the same questions over and over again.  He also has so much energy and Merrick loves copying him and doing things with him all the time.  He is a good big brother.  He just keeps growing and growing and I can't keep up with him anymore. 
His pancake that he ate the morning of his birthday
We threw him a big party with a bunch of friends his age and older and most of our family was able to come too.  He helped pick out a lot of things for his party.  He helped pick out the invitations and deliver them to some of our family.  He helped pick out his cake which he just loved to death.  Because he helped me out with so much of the planning, he asked me over and over again for two weeks, "Is my party ready yet?"and "Is my party today?"  I kept having to tell him how many more days it was.  When the party day finally came, he kept asking me if it was time, so I had to tell him to wait until people got there to start his party.  

We had a lunch party where with hot dogs, chips, cake, and ice cream.  It was a beautiful day so we had some outside time first and then came in and ate.  After we ate, Kayton just went over and started to open his presents without us telling him it was time. 
All ready to party
We stopped him after he got one present open and had him come blow out his candles and eat cake and ice cream.  Then we let him go back to opening his presents.  We asked people to get him some games that we can all play together and help him learn new things.  He got so lucky and got like 10 different presents to open.  He got Operation, a kid version of Sorry, a matching game, along with some cars and robots and a punching bag thing.  He loved all of them.  It was the best birthday yet for him.  


Happy 4th Birthday Kayton