June 22, 2014

Visit to Mesa

 Yay for weekend trips to the valley. I had some last minute shopping to do for Girls Camp and we have been wanting to go down and see our friends for a while. The first night there, we met up with our friends the Hummel's.  We got to check out their new apartment and then we went to the mall to have dinner together and just hang out.  That was all we got to do since they were trying to finish packing and moving the next day.  We had fun hanging out at the mall eating pizza and ice cream.  The kids had fun hanging out together. 
 I loved being in the valley and being in the heat.  I'm still so use to the valley weather so I loved just sitting outside and feeling the heat.  I know I'm weird, but it made me happy.  

The next day I did my shopping in the morning.  I got to go to Hobby Lobby and Michaels and I miss being close to them.  I had a lot of fun and thankfully a lot of it was on sale.  While I was there I got some airplanes for the kids so they played outside with them and even though they broke a little bit, they had fun. 
That afternoon, we met up with our other friends, the Zanzucchi's for an afternoon at the splash pad and dinner together.  This splash pad was really fun.  It had a slide, bucket that dumps water, and hose things that the kids could squirt each other with.  It took them a few minutes to be ok  with getting wet.  After they got wet they had so much fun.  I wish we had one here. 
Afterwards, we decided to go to dinner together.  We had trouble deciding and Stacey suggested Texas Roadhouse.  We found out that the next day was her birthday so we went where she wanted to go.  It was so amazing and it made me realize that I had never actually eaten there.  It was nice.  Happy Birthday Stacey!
The next day was Sunday and we needed to head back home so we could make it to church on time.  We had one more stop to make though.  We are so lucky that Dad and Mom have sold their house and decided to move down to the valley.  They closed on a house in Gilbert 2 days before and we stopped to see them and the new house.  It is in a great neighborhood and the Gilbert temple is literally right next door to them.  I had mixed feelings about them selling their house but now that they will be living closer and we can see them on weekends and a lot more often.  
It was a nice weekend, and also a little stressful, but I'm glad we got to see everyone that we did and I felt a lot better after getting all my shopping done. 

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