September 21, 2014

Nate's new calling

It's now official.  Today Nate was put in as Elder's Quorum President in our ward.  The whole process of him meeting with the stake president and calling his counselors was so crazy to watch him go through.  I know he is going to be amazing at it and he will definitely have some adjusting period, but it will be a great blessing for us.

Kayton's First Primary Program

Today was our primary program.  Since Kayton is in Sunbeams, this is his first year doing a program.  Our ward also tries to take some of the verses in each songs and try to have families or siblings and other groups sing those so that the primary choir isn't singing everything the whole time.  They asked Nate, me, and Kayton to sing the 3rd verse of I Lived in Heaven.  Kayton learned it so well and sang right into the microphone like he was a pro.  It was so sweet to listen to him.  My calling is to play the piano for primary, so I was on stage the whole time playing.  Kayton also had his part memorized and even though he said it very loudly into the microphone, he said it with no help and it was so cute.  His part was "My Heavenly Father loves me."  I love that the theme this year is "Families Can Be Together Forever" and how wonderful it is to know that I am sealed to my family and I love them so much.  Today was a really sweet day for us.

September 20, 2014

New App

I found this awesome new app on my phone called One Day and it generates questions that you can ask your kids and make a video of them answering it.  It's super cute and these were some of the ones that I got of the kids.

September 6, 2014

Camping Trip

I got home from work yesterday and suddenly got a phone call from my friend to tell me that they had decided to come up to the area to go camping for the night and invited us to go too.  We were grateful for the invite and also that we had the weekend free to go.  So we got everything ready in a few hours and then headed off.  It was the first time that all the kids had been camping so it was a blast.  We got there kind of late and got our tents up and cooked our hot dogs over the fire for dinner.  We had good helpers getting fire wood gathered and getting things ready.  The kids loved the tents and were so excited when they all got to sleep together in one.  After dinner, we let the kids take turns telling stories around the fire while we waited til it was time for some smores.  The kids thought they were so good and really enjoyed cooking their marshmallows over the fire.  It was a perfect way to end the night. 
Morning came and we all survived!  The boys slept through with no problems, until they woke up at 6:30 and woke everyone else up too.  I was surprised at how well I slept too.  We started to get more firewood and get breakfast started.  We had a delicious pancake breakfast with eggs, sausage, and bacon.  I think that kind of food definitely tastes better over the fire.
After breakfast, the adults did a little target shooting at paper plates on a tree, but it was fun while the kids played and enjoyed the little happiness that can come with a stick and some trees.  It was a great morning, but the end had to come eventually.  We packed up and headed home.  Everyone was so tired and dirty. 
There were so many little flowers all around and Kayton and Merrick brought me all of these while we were there.  It was so sweet.  I got a kiss each time they brought them to me too.
The dirty kids who just loved it all
We definitely will plan another camping night soon.  Hopefully with more friends too. 

September 3, 2014

The Car Ride Home

I have a favorite part of the day and it is the car ride home after I pick the boys up from school.  During that time, we just talk about what they did at school that day, who they played with, what food they ate, and maybe what letter they worked on and if they did their show and tell.  I love how excited they are about school and their teachers are so great.  I am very thankful that my kids are able to do preschool and that they love it so much.