January 30, 2016

Grandma Bonnie Peterson

Today we said goodbye to our Grandma Peterson.  It was a bitter sweet day.  She was an amazing woman and will be missed greatly.  She was struggling health wise and she is now home with her husband and Heavenly Father.  Since we joined the family later, I loved how I always felt welcome and one of the family.  
Most of our brothers at walking the casket
The children
Peterclans family
We were lucky that we were able to see so much family that day.  We were especially lucky that Tyler, Megan, Dallin, and April drove down from Utah so we were able to have some fun times together and see the new nieces and nephews.  
Ice cream night at Nelson's
Tommy and Felicity, it was my first time meeting them

January 29, 2016

Canadian Brass Concert

Nate can finally cross this off of his bucket list.  We finally got to use his Christmas present and go see the Canadian Brass.  The excitement on Nate's face was the same of a kid getting a new toy and I was so excited to go with him.  
There was one song where they came out into the audience and played a song together from different spots.  One was pretty much at the end of our row. 
The best was the end though where they did autographs and the tuba player, Chuck Daellenbach, was nice enough to let Nate take a picture with him.  This man is the only original member of the group left and Nate has admired him since high school.  

January 26, 2016

Kayton lost his first tooth

We couldn't believe it.  He lost his first tooth.  He had been complaining about his tooth hurting every time he would bite into an apple, but one day he really cried about it.  Turns out it was super loose and ready to come out.  We tried that night but it wasn't quite ready yet so he slept on it.  The next morning, Nate was able to pull it out right before school started.  Kayton thought it was the coolest kid ever and was so excited to go show everyone at school.  
Of course we got it all set in a bag so the tooth fairy could come that night.  She showed up and left a sweet note that said how good he was doing with his teeth and left him a dollar.  The next morning he couldn't find anything from the tooth fairy and got scared, but thanks to Nate, we found. He was so excited that the tooth fairy actually came to visit him. 
Ever since then, he keeps coming up to us and having him check and see if he has any other loose teeth. I sure love this toothless kid.

January 21, 2016

100 Days of School

Kayton was so excited to do this project.  He had to make a poster with 100 of something on it to celebrate 100 days of school.  So me being the non crafty mother, I went to Pinterest and found this idea and Kayton loved it.  So we made a gumball machine with 100 gumballs on it. He was so proud of it when it was finished.  It only involved one or two small burns from the hot glue gun. 

January 15, 2016

14 Weeks

We are at the point now where it's ok to tell everyone that we are pregnant.  With our last pregnancy ending in a miscarriage, we were better at waiting to make sure everything was ok this time.  At 14 weeks, I had a doctors appointment and we heard the heartbeat and saw that everything was fine so we announced with these pictures on facebook and instagram.  Words cannot describe how happy we are that things are working out this time.  Even though I am still super sick and want to throw up through most of the day, we are so excited and are looking forward to finding out in a few weeks what we are having. 

January 8, 2016

2 Snow Days

After the first time we went sledding, Merrick kept begging for us to take him out again.  We finally got another storm that was big enough for us to go.  So we went and found a much better spot with much bigger hills and the boys loved it.  Kayton even got brave enough to go up to the top of one of the biggest hills and go down.  He didn't make it all the way down without falling off and rolling down the hill a little bit.  He handled it well and then Nate went down and pulled him back up the long hill.
He loves to eat snow
We even had just enough snow in the backyard to make our first snowman as a family.  The boys were so excited and he actually stayed up for a long time.  When we asked what we should name him they of course said Frosty.  

January 6, 2016

Funny pictures

Sometimes they like to strike poses when I pull out my camera.