January 26, 2016

Kayton lost his first tooth

We couldn't believe it.  He lost his first tooth.  He had been complaining about his tooth hurting every time he would bite into an apple, but one day he really cried about it.  Turns out it was super loose and ready to come out.  We tried that night but it wasn't quite ready yet so he slept on it.  The next morning, Nate was able to pull it out right before school started.  Kayton thought it was the coolest kid ever and was so excited to go show everyone at school.  
Of course we got it all set in a bag so the tooth fairy could come that night.  She showed up and left a sweet note that said how good he was doing with his teeth and left him a dollar.  The next morning he couldn't find anything from the tooth fairy and got scared, but thanks to Nate, we found. He was so excited that the tooth fairy actually came to visit him. 
Ever since then, he keeps coming up to us and having him check and see if he has any other loose teeth. I sure love this toothless kid.

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