February 23, 2016

Baby #3 is a....


This is how we announced it to everyone.  

Merrick really wanted a little brother and totally got his wish.  Kayton didn't care either way. Nate was fine either way too.  I really truly thought it was going to be a girl this time and so when they said boy at the ultrasound all I could do is a laugh/cry/shake my head cause it just took me a while to wrap my head around it.  I guess we better get to finding a name for this little guy now.  The ultrasound showed that everything was great and measuring normal so we just feel so blessed to know that much.  I am now officially more than outnumbered in our house.

February 14, 2016

Our Valentines weekend

What a weekend it was. It started with our stake throwing a Valentines dinner for the adults on Friday night, and we were able to go.  We had steak and ate with friends.  There was dancing afterwards, but our little group decided to go back to a house and play games instead of sticking around for dancing.  All the husbands were excited to ditch the dancing.  We thought it was a great night.  
The next day, we got up and headed to the valley.  We went down to help my mom and step dad clean out Grandma Peterson's house to get it ready to sell.  There was a lot to do and we stayed there all day.  We were able to take home a few things like some instruments, books and pictures.
On Valentine's Day Sunday, we headed off to church with my grandparents and got to eat dinner with them.  Then, we had to leave their house for a little while so we went temple hopping.  We started at the Gilbert temple, finally got to see it in person and walked around admiring all of it.  Then, I really wanted to head to the Mesa Temple since it is my favorite one.  We got to hang out at the Visitors Center for a while and let the boys try all the cool gadgets they had there.  I loved watching them enjoy the church videos and seeing their love for going to the temple.  I thought that getting to be at the temple where our eternal family began was a great way to spend Valentines Day.


February 7, 2016

Kayton turns 6

Kayton turned 6. I just can't believe it sometimes.  He only has 2 more years until he gets baptized and it's making me a little sad.  He is such a great kid though, I don't know what we would do without him.  With my pregnancy making me so sick, I wasn't able to do as much this year as I wanted, but we started his birthday off with taking cupcakes to his school for his class.  They sang to him and ate treats and just loved getting to celebrate.  
His birthday was on a Sunday this year, so I made sure to pull out our banner and make him a yummy pancake breakfast.  
After church, we let him open the presents we got him. He got some games and a Transformers toy. 
Then, a few days later, we had a little family dinner and he got even more presents.  
and had cake and ice cream.  
He was really bummed he couldn't have a friends party, but he still had a great birthday weekend and we love getting to celebrate with him.  I love getting to watch his excitement every year.