February 7, 2016

Kayton turns 6

Kayton turned 6. I just can't believe it sometimes.  He only has 2 more years until he gets baptized and it's making me a little sad.  He is such a great kid though, I don't know what we would do without him.  With my pregnancy making me so sick, I wasn't able to do as much this year as I wanted, but we started his birthday off with taking cupcakes to his school for his class.  They sang to him and ate treats and just loved getting to celebrate.  
His birthday was on a Sunday this year, so I made sure to pull out our banner and make him a yummy pancake breakfast.  
After church, we let him open the presents we got him. He got some games and a Transformers toy. 
Then, a few days later, we had a little family dinner and he got even more presents.  
and had cake and ice cream.  
He was really bummed he couldn't have a friends party, but he still had a great birthday weekend and we love getting to celebrate with him.  I love getting to watch his excitement every year.

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