April 23, 2016

Thatcher Trip

What a great last minute trip for us.  We decided to do an overnight trip to Thatcher for a retirement party for Trish Jordahl.  She was one of the music teachers at EAC while Nate was there and was a big help to him graduating. It was Spring Sing weekend and Nate was thrilled.  His friend Mike came down too and made it a fun trip.
Fun with hotel beds
Nothing like eating Jilibertos, his favorite burrito place
Nate and Trish Jordahl
Stopped by to see my old apartment
We got lucky that the hotel we stayed at had a little indoor pool. 
These 3 loved it
At the Spring Sing Concert
All alumni in the audience joined in to sing Lord Bless You and Keep You - a tradition done every Friday in choir
Sunday morning came and we loaded up then I really wanted to go try and find the spot where Nate proposed to me.  Unfortunately there was so many more trees and bushes that had grown, we couldn't find it.  Nate wanted to keep driving up Mount Graham though, so we drove up to a picnic area first to stop and eat lunch.  It's such a pretty drive that after we were done, Nate wanted to keep going up.  We didn't get all the way to the top cause of my awesome car sickness.  We saw some awesome scenery though and I really do miss Thatcher a lot.

Just a few fun pictures over by the music building
We made one last stop before we left to see the Webb's.  Aunt Michelle use to have Nate and his roommate Randon over on fast Sundays to eat Navajo Tacos.  When we started dating I got to go too.  Most of the kids don't remember us but it was so fun to see them and see how they have grown.    

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