July 31, 2016

1st Bath

I love doing the first bath.  His umbilical cord fell off so we got him good and clean.  He did pretty good with it and didn't cry too much. 
All done

July 30, 2016

Hard day for Jax

This sweet boy just had a hard day today. It just seemed like something was bothering him and the only way he would sleep is if I was holding him, so that's what I did, almost all day.  I actually enjoyed it a little too much even though I got nothing done.  He is such a sweetie.

July 28, 2016

Reading & Eating

Apparently when Daddy finds a cool book to bring home, Kayton just has to read it right away.  Even if that means that he has to read during dinner. I am amazed at his love for reading and how well he does with it.

July 25, 2016

More Visitors

 Great Grandma Brewer and Grandma Adams got to come meet Jaxton.  Sadly they were only able to stay for a few minutes but here we had 4 generations at one time.  It was great to have them come visit.

We also got to see the Clarkson's.  Clint and Tanessa were driving home and stopped by to see us and the baby.  Tanessa is due to have her baby in about 2 months and Colette is so excited that we let her practice holding Jax to help her get ready for her baby brother. 

July 24, 2016

Merrick 5th Birthday

 What a sweet day to get to celebrate my little guy turning 5.  We actually had to spread out his birthday a little bit because of Jax being born and the fact that his birthday was on a Sunday this year.  On his actual birthday we made him some yummy german pancakes for breakfast then let him open the few presents he already had from other people.
Beanie baby from Great Grandma Nielson
My sweet 5 year old.  We love him so much and he has such a sweet personality.  He is so excited for Kindergarten and really likes doing everything with Kayton.
The next Friday, we had our friends and some family come over for dinner and Merrick asked for a Paw Patrol birthday.  Thanks to my friend Chelsea, we made a cake and decorated it with Marshall the dog and red fondant.  He loved it.
More presents!
Happy birthday Merrick!

July 21, 2016

Swim Lessons

These boys have grown up so much this summer.  They said they wanted to do swim lessons and I was nervous to because last time it went so bad.  Thankfully it went great.  Kayton just took to the water like a fish and Merrick is a little less scared now.  I loved watching them every day.
First day!
He had fun playing Sharks and Minnows at the end of their lesson

Blowing bubbles like a fish
Last day with their certificates

July 18, 2016

At home with Jax

 We love having our little Jax home with us.  He is so precious and has already brought so much joy to our little family.
 Visitors - the Howden's and Wengert's
Sleeping peacefully in his crib
Kayton is already an amazing big brother.  Merrick is still a little unsure what is going on.

July 17, 2016

Newborn pictures

A sweet new friend was nice enough to offer me some newborn pictures for one of my baby shower presents. They turned out so great.  She was also sweet enough to make a birth video.  What a beautiful thing to have and it would have been longer but she rushed to get there since I dilated super fast.  I feel so blessed to have these things.

Hospital Visitors

 Our loved little guy got some visitors the next morning.  I didn't get pictures of everyone but of course Mom brought Kayton and Merrick over after church.  They were so excited to meet him and I loved getting to see them hold their little brother. 
Hugs from Grandma
Some of my favorite pictures of these amazing big brothers
My whole world in one picture
A sweet aunt
A quick visit from Mike and Stacie before they left the next day to move to Colorado
 Not pictured were the Duane and Trina Rubert from our ward and Chelsea and Mauriah who came back to see us again.